
How can a morning person have more energy at night?

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My husband is total morning person, his day begins very early, he's in a great mood and works more efficiently during the morning hours. As the day ends, he just crashes, around 9-10pm his eyes are closing, he gets cranky and he can't do anything else! He's a designer and is currently working on a book and he would like to work at least a couple of hours in the evening on it, but it's so difficult for him to stay awake! Any suggestions from morning people out there???

BTW I'm a night owl so I can't relate to this but would love to help him, thanks!!




  1. I would preffer 5 hour energy drink better than red bull as it makes you go to sleep and 5 hr dosent but its a small bottel and its 2.50 a bottle but its worth it! PS im using a friends account (im a computer desiner)

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