
How can a mother forget her child in the car in the hot truck?

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My goodness! How? I cannot understand how can a parent forget a child in a car, really, I am having hard to understand. Should this mother be put in jail?





  1. Fox news is the last place you should be getting your information. THat agency is the king of spin and you dont and they dont know the facts of the case! thEN AGAIN THERE ISNT A NEWS AGENCY THAT reports the news any more it is all editorialized. Journalism is dead long live propaganda  

  2. The mother didn't forget. Stuff like this makes me so angry. there is no understanding it! the kids should be taken away and the mother should be left in a hot car all ******* day.

  3. How can you forget a babbling three year old in your truck. I mean it is one small cabin and I sure know my three year old can't go a few minutes without making her presence known. She is a liar and needs to be put in jail.

  4. i dont think its right when people leave there kids in the car like that... thats just wrong and yea she should be in jail.

    there was this couple here in michigan that left there like 1yr old in the car for hours and the child ended up dying! and the parents didnt get any jail time or nothing!!! now that just isnt right! and it really made me angry!!! i just dont understand how people can get away with stuff like this! =[

  5. jail ? but they should forcably have their tubes tied, no more kids for them!! you just dont forget a kid, unless you have too many

  6. you arent a mother if you can "forget" your child. she should be charged with involuntary homicide or murder. that is horrible.

  7. that is very sad. i dont think that all the moms forget.i think the mother should be put in jail. how could anyone forget their kids in the car?

  8. Oh my god i just read this, how horrible. How these mothers can forget about their precious babies is unbelievable. They should be put on some sort of list so that if they conceive again the child will be protected. Neglect like this happens far too often. =[

  9. Crack.

    And yes. Or at least she should be investigated to see if she is fit to be a mother.

  10. I don;t know  how in the world any parent could forget there child is in the car and go to work.This is child abuse.oh how irresponsible parents makes me angy!

  11. I wonder the same thing.  I can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my kids aren't with me, but I still glance into the back seat before I leave my car.  She should be put in jail.  That is murder.

  12. yes she should that is murder and no matter what was going on in her life i assure you it was not more important than that childs life because of her one simple mistake that boy will never experience life and i dont understand how anyone could do that to their own son.

  13. more importantly why arent these parents being charged  why if a child drowns in a family pool its a tradegic accident but if the same child were to drown at a neighbors or daycare there would be an arrest and a lawsuit start holding these parents accountable  tired of being a parent take your kid to a pool and turn your back pathetic really

  14. This been happening a lot lately. And I know how can a mother do that. If they put the child in a car seat before leaving the house they should know that their child in the car. She had a punishment of losing the child she had left in the car.. But still why. We never know the answer. But I hardly never forget. But when my kids start school. I always look in the back seat to make sure there no kids in the car..

  15. i dont know but it really makes me sad. if the mother really loved the child she would not forget him in the car.

  16. Well, if you have a car in your hot truck you might momentarily forget about the child also there.

  17. She Probably Didnt Forget At All

    She Probably Wanted To Claim Insurance

    Or Teach The Child A Lesson Or Somethingg

    Thats Terrible :((


  18. Im sorry but there is just no way you "forget" a whole baby, they take up 98% of your day! I just absolutely cannot imagine leaving my 1 year old in the car for a split second especially in this hot texas weather.We wont even get IN the car until its cooled off!

  19. I heard about that and yes she should go to jail. Seriously how could you FORGET your child in a hot vehicle. Thats stupid.

  20. Dont judge what tragedies happen in other families. It wasnt done  on purpose and the parents have to live with that forever. Dont be so judgmental-you werent there.

  21. yes the mother should be put in jail what i read said she was working and left her son to die  

  22. Theres in no way you 'forget' your child.  Its a mom that cant be bothered because she probably met some mate in the pub.  She should be done for neglect when will parents realise their actions can sometimes have fatal consequences.  I feel for the child.

  23. Its horrible! She should go to jail;...

  24. i can see how accidents can happen, but this is something that is rediculous. I have a small baby and all I can think about is her well being...

    This woman should go to jail for murder. the world does not need humans like her. She is too self absorbed to be a parent, friend, or even alive in my view.

    Is stoning still a legal form of punishment?

  25. oh my that story rips my heart right out. the poor thing tried to start the car! wow, so sad.

    oh yes, jail her. gross negligence in the VERY least!  

  26. She's obviously a bad mother and selfish person. How else could you forget your child in the car? I mean if she ran into a store for a minute that's one thing, but it sounds like this poor boy was locked in that car for a long time. That's really sad.

  27. I didn't look at the story i assume its about a woman in Houston?

    Try two times in a month.

    I don't understand either. There's no excuse for it.

  28. Yes this mother should be put in jail.  I am a mother of  two and I would never ever leave my children to sit in a hot car.  I can't understand how a mom can just forget that her 3 year old is waiting in the car??  I'd have to agree that maybe it was done purposely.  Sad as reality can be, this is the world we live in.. not ALL people are the same or think alike.  THANK GOD FOR THAT.

  29. no, i'll give you a logical explanation too, I'm not commending her leaving her child in the car but consider this:

    You go to a mall, the mall's 20 minuets from your house and you shop all day, you shop until you've got 13 bags in hand, or on stroller, get baby in car seat, and drive home, pick up gas on the way, get home.. get every bag out of the car from the trunk put it inside, and the phone rings, the dishwasher buzzes, the dryer beeps, the dog pooped on the carpet. SOME distraction occurs... as you clean up, or stay on the phone; you forget your kid's in the car.. it happened to a client of mine

    no excuse is a good excuse, BUT any thing's possible; i doubt she did it on purpose, she'll feel pain for the rest of her life, I'm sure it was a mistake

  30. I won't read anything from Fox Neuters.  I have two kids, and I don't see how anyone can forget the kids.  And yes, I regularly am the one dropping them off at daycare.

  31. some times they really do forget, well at least i think they could. like if there was a change of routine... and theyre not use to having th baby in there. I dont know, this is a horrible case :[

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