
How can a mother vote for a Republican when they should know that. . .?

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That the Republican plan to fight more wars will be impossible unless they bring back the draft? Don't they care if their sons and daughters are killed glorifying the ambitions of a war hawk who knows no other way to solve problems?




  1. The problem is that they don't believe John Mc Cain that their will be more wars. He said it, he means it. There will be a weeping and waling in America. Rachel weeping for her children and she would not be comforted, because they were no more.

  2. Wake up. Obama and company want to scare you into voting for them. We will not have a draft unless we are attacked on our own soil again. And Obama will be the one, because of his weak stance, to bring that about.

    We will not have a draft. We will not lose our right to pro-choice. Vote for the person that has experience and will give his all for you and our country. That person is McCain. And Palin will clean up Washington. Isn't that the change that you wanted? Then it should be clear who you need to vote for. McCain/Palin.  

  3. Clinton made people think america was weak so we got attacked

    when you are strong you avoid wars

  4. Ahhh, the old "Republicans will bring the back the draft" c**p from 2004. You all assured us it would happen. So where is it?

  5. The last draft was used by the Democratic party during the Vietnam war.  If you look at the dates of wars and the President in office at that time you will find that more Democratic Presidents have sent us to war than Republican.  Obama himself has said that more troops need to be sent to Afghanistan to fight a war, so Obama himself is wanting to send more troops and he is a Democrat................hummmm.

    Whatever your opinion of the war is its best to stay and do the job right instead of having to go back in a few years to do it over.  Should have learned our lesson from the first World War and the First Iraq war.  Did it right the first time we wouldn't have a second war for either of them.  Before you get all pissy yes Iraq 1 and 2 were Republican wars but world war 1 and 2 had 3 democrat presidents.  

  6. name 3 things Obama has done to be qualified to be President.

  7. The only one talking about the draft are the Dems. They put it on the floor and the republicans voted it down. Obama has stated that mandatory service must be reinstated. That is another word for the draft.

  8. There are currently no shortage of volunteers.

    Your argument is a straw man, and is irrelevent in the current debate.

  9. first let give you a little history lesson, with just the 20 century and 21st centuries (because most of us this is our time) WW1 President Wilson Democrat, WW2 presidents Roosevelt and Truman both Democrats, Korea Eisenhower Republican Vietnam Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon first two democrats and then republican, First Iraqi war Bush 1 Republican, Somalia, Croatia Clinton Democrat, war on terrorism Bush 2 if looking at the conflicts in the last 100 years 6 Democrats have been in office while only three REpublicans when Republicans were in office the conflict ended within his term while the democrats have had to pass it on to the next president, basing your question off of these facts a Democrat is more likely to get us into war

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