
How can a new born infant ...?

by Guest57391  |  earlier

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How can a newborn infant, that knows nothing, has done nothing, is the EPITOME of innocence and purity, be born with sin based on christian dogma?

And does anyone else see that as ridiculous?




  1. In most theologies there is an "Age of Accountablility".

    That age varies greatly but I believe the age of like 25 is mentioned in the Bible somewhere.

  2. Yeah it's all a little far fetched to me, evil babies, walking on water, talking snakes....etc.  

  3. People should beware belief systems that make simply being human evil.

  4. I think most religion is wrong, but there are good morals.

  5. Ah, you spotted that first stage of indoctrination as used by the Holy Roman Church, did you? It's all part of the brain-washing process so that ordinary people can be controlled and subjugated my a few pious individuals.

  6. Yes! Even the bible says that the day of ones death is more important than the day of ones birth. Why? Because all your life you have made a reputation and a name with God. When you're  an infant you know absolutely nothing! An infant doesn't even know there is a God. Getting baptized as an infant makes no sense to me. The baby is not conscience of whats going on. Therefore it cant make a conscience decision to dedicate its life to God.

  7. A) We are not born with sin.

    B) We ARE born with the "stain of original sin".

    C) The Stain of Original Sin is the LACK of something, NOT the presence.

    D) The lacks are the supernatural and the preternatural gifts which God removed after the Fall.

    E) Those gifts are: preternatural: longevity, freedom from pain, freedom from sorrow, freedom from disease, freedom from the pains of death. And supernatural: the entry into God's presence and life eternal with Him.

    F) Baptism restores the supernatural gift. Christ's death satisfies for all the actual sins committed by every man, woman and child who ever was or who ever will be. We can once again, if WE so choose, go back Home to God when this life is finished.

    G) The preternatural gifts are NOT restored via Baptism, but via living as Christ would have one live.

  8. This is not bases on Christian dogma, but a mis understanding on YOUR part.

    You are correct, that child is Innocent.  You will not find anywhere in the Scriptures any other answer to that.

    However we each grow and mature at different speeds,  there will come a point in that child's life where he/she knows when their actions are right or wrong.   Most children by 7 or 8 know that to hit another is wrong or to put something in their pocket that they want in a store is stealing.  

    That's when they and we all become accoutable for our actions.

    Its really not that hard.

  9. The theology of Original Sin, which this refers to, is not based on the idea of a person committing any actual sin.  It is the concept that all of humanity is diseased with the sin nature by virtue of being descended from Adam and Eve, the first sinners.  It's not that the infant has done anything wrong, it's the fact that he is simply a human, less than God.

  10. If you want to be pissed at someone, be pissed at Eve for taking the apple off the tree of knowledge...

  11. The Bible God set it up that way... and unless you repent from all your sin you go to h**l... BTW... don't forget to pay your tithes and offerings in FULL and on time!

    CONTROL BY FEAR is deeply rooted in God’s “Plan of Salvation”… So if you think that you got saved GOOD FOR YOU!!! Make sure that you pay your FULL tithe and offering on time or God the Holy Ghost will zap you on the spot and the Church people will give you a quick Christian BURIAL without notifying anybody in your family. This is the Godly way of “doing” overdue Church account holders after Jesus Christ did away with the LAW of his Daddy God of the Old Testament days! In the Old Testament they were dealing with only one God, in the New we have 2 more identifiable personalities and you cannot “test” God the Holy Ghost! He is very touchy about money issues.

    Act 5:9-11 (NIV) Peter said to her, “How could you agree to test the Spirit of the Lord?*  (*aka “Comforter”, aka “Helper” by not paying the FULL tithe and offering to the Church!) Look! The feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door* (*in a truly Christian burial nobody notifies the death event to any spouse or relative! Have you noticed how bloody cool is Saint Peter about tithing?!) and they will carry you out also.” At that moment SHE FELL DOWN AT HIS FEET AND DIED* (*Praise the LORD! Sweet Jesus! Saint Peter KNEW that she was going to be slaughtered on the spot by the Ghost of God! No intercession whatsoever! Most likely Saint Peter and God the Holy Ghost were conniving together to teach the Church a lesson on giving… so what the heck!!!). Then the young men came in and, finding her dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband. GREAT FEAR SEIZED THE WHOLE CHURCH AND ALL WHO HEARD ABOUT THESE EVENTS.* (*yeah… it works all the time! Just have somebody slaughtered in the primitive Church and the rest will learn AND FEAR! It is the Bible way to teach any lesson! What if Ananias and Sapphira had children at home? Who cares? Too bad CNN was not there to report… Christianity would have been involved in a very big scandal! Not even the Mafia behaves like that!)

    Any member of God the Holy Trinity team puts to shame any mobster boss intimidating and killing anybody without mercy just to get your attention about paying your tithes and offerings IN FULL and on the spot… NO RAIN CHECKS!!! The Bible writers were very smart! Praise the LORD, sweet Jesus! They thought of everything! Although the preachers today use the "sow the seed and harvest bountifully" scheme to get your money and they do it with a CLEAR CONSCIENCE AND CLEAN HANDS and perfectly legal in most countries where politicians take advantage of people’s religion like in the USA!

  12. I dont know about the whole dogma thing.. Im not Catholic.

    But what it means is the baby is born into sin, since the world is full of it.. if it dies, God is Not going to send it to h**l.

    I believe there is an age of accountability.  

  13. He inherited the sin nature or sin person.  Please let me know if anyone has not sin.

  14. The concept of original sin is, to me, a metaphor for mankind's ability to commit evil acts.  We are all born with the ability to be evil as well as good.

  15. Yes you are right, that's why we are muslims (no offense)

  16. this is to make you feel damned and to make you believe that their faith is the only way.

    Christian leaders are really that intlligent. hehehe

  17. Totally ridiculous, but essential for the religion to gain the psychological advantage at an early age.

    It is good for later control and of

  18. hehe, the funny thing about christianity is that while they say we are born with sin, children are innocent and get into the big playground into the sky for free without the workout if they kick it while still kiddies. go figure

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