
How can a new childcare worker communicate with children aged 2-5 years? .?

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If you have any good websites please tell me. i need this for my coursework.




  1. children interact a lot through body language- common sense is too simple an answer. you have to initiate common ground, for example, through play, eating, ect. they should talk on the same level as the children, like i dno, about their fav toys ot something along those lines. you cant suddenly start talking to them, it takes time, you need to make sure they are happy in ur presence (but this is often with the shyer/less interacting kids) As a lady above said, giving a punisment to a child you dont know will provoke fear in the infant. reward them in order to get 'onto their groud', virtually making them like you lol

    EDIT however, if they are badly behaved, DO punish them, but not severly. this will allow them to consider you as the dominant one in the child-adult relationship

  2. It is just common sense. Remember they are children, be REALLY patient. A lot of tmis they want to br heard not talk to :-)

  3. Go down to their level and try to be a kid yourself. Remember the have impressionable minds and be sweet and firm at the same time. Shouting has never worked, Whenever you have to tell them something, Look them straight in the eye and talk to them and always make sure they are safe with you!! You don't need any material to learn these things. Just Love!! and passion foir what you do.

  4. The one that loves God is always light-hearted. Why? When we love someone fully, we place our full faith in Him. In the same way when we love God fully we place our faith that all He does for us is good for us. That faith keeps one free from anxiety, doubts, hatred, misunderstandings and desires.

    Most of us are under the false impression that a spiritual life is a serious life. That is completely a misconception. A spiritual heart always concentrates on simplicity and simplicity, and in that focus he escapes a life of artificiality.

    Simplicity is one’s natural response to one’s conscience. A simple person believes in the wisdom of the conscience and overcomes the tribulations of the mind by the sincerity of his reasoning. He reasons by not focusing on the desire but instead on the guidance of his conscience. With that he is always content…always happy!

    We all wish to be light-hearted but we choose wrong ways. Often we choose ways that bring us to a loose way of thinking. As a result we are unable to receive guidance from within ourselves and rely on outside methods. The greater we rely on these outside methods the more cynical we get toward our own inner voice. The more we doubt ourselves the more we resent to rely on the outside guidance. It is indeed a vicious cycle that once one steps into, one is unable to get out of.

    We often carry heavy loads in our minds. But none of us truly realize that most of these loads that we carry are born out of desire. They become a “must” only because we have desired them so very much. We are prepared to carry the burden of so much in our minds but we are not prepared to be simple. Simplicity to the ‘ordinary mind’ is ‘deprivation’. And ‘deprivation of these burdens’ to the ‘simple mind’ is contentment.

    Be simple…be sincere…then only will you be content. If you wish to focus on being happy then realize the three things that you will need to carry are self-respect, self-confidence, and self-awareness.

    Self-respect is the love for truth that is within you (bhakti or devotion).

    Self-confidence is the love for carrying out that truth (karma or action).

    Self-awareness is the love of the Self as that truth (jnana or self-revelation).

    May you be blessed with all of them. May simplicity and sincerity bring you heart-filled contentment.

  5. speek calmly and firmly if in trouble. but remember, they don't always mean to, so be fair.

  6. ...i'm not really sure of some facts bout your query...

    but to me, giving rewards is better than giving punishments.. children can understand easily if you get along with them like a family, you have to win their trust as a mother or sibling or friend.. and be an award giver.. they like people who give them lollipops, candies, and chocolates than those people who shut them up, spank, or in other words, punish them.

    ...that's all that i can say...

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