
How can a new mother of a Down Syndrome Baby work as Vice President?

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Is this question that was asked by the CNN national news anchor upon the release of Sarah Palin name as the Vice Presidential pick for Senator John McCain sexist or discriminatory against children with disabilities?

Serious question. A Democrat standing beside me stated an equal anger against CNN as myself. Fair and Balanced?

What about Chris Matthews and Jack Cafferty's bigoted reporting?

Fair and Balanced, Sexist and Crude, or Dumb and Dumber?

Your Honest Views.




  1. I think it's a valid question as long as the answer isn't assumed to be "she can't".

    I'm not American or in the US, so no axe to grind here. I think it's a valid question. Will she be available at a moment's notice if McCain is sick? The answer might well be "yes, dad is going to be the one to be responsible for childcare". But I think it should be asked, because if that was me my answer would be "no, in my family I'm the one who says work comes second." Somebody in the family needs to - even if her little boy didn't have Downs. But it doesn't have to be the mum.

  2. So long as the father has the most active role in raising the child then I don't see what the problem is.  Look at it from another perspective.  Say it was the FATHER running for VP and that the mother took the most active role in raising the child.  That would be an acceptable and normal situation in most people's eyes.  People wouldn't think twice about it.  But because the roles are reversed and the "normal" primary caregiver is the one working the demanding job, we see it as all those words you described and more.  As I said, I think so long as one *parent* (i.e. not a nanny) takes the front seat in caring for the baby then it shouldn't be an issue just because she's a woman.  I personally would never do it, but I think it would be hypocritical to bash her just because the gender roles are reversed.

  3. I think it is a fair point. I'm Aussie so I don't know any of the politics behind it but seriously, a new mother of a down's baby.... I can barely find time to wash my hair let alone help run a country and (thank goodness) my daughter is perfectly healthy. Sure the child can be placed in childcare, but if she wants to be a mother then how is she supposed to devote the time required to the position. I am not saying it is not right to work and raise a child but vice president is much more than a full time job

    ETA.... It is an interesting point... the more I think about it the more I can't decide what I think....I guess what it comes down to is that it is politics and this is the sort of thing that come out... it is up to the public not to be swayed by the propaganda and to make their own decisions

  4. i think thats a pretty disgusting statement.

    i think its ok if she still plays a major part in the childs upbringing, but if the vice presidency takes more of her time or is more important to her than her child, then there is serious malfunction is her maternal instincts.

    i cant really answer on the rest of the question, im in the UK so i dont know much about it.

  5. First of all CNN has never been 'Fair and Balanced'.  It's already been stated that her husband is the primary care-giver of the small children.  How hypercritical of the liberals who always advocate woman’s equality in the work-place as well as at home.  Others are right – no one would even think twice if it were her husband running.  I think it’s a great choice.

    Ally – are you kidding?  There is always as risk at any age.  That is the most ridiculous statement ever.  Having a child with special needs is not a negative for most people who actually have a heart.  Those children bring so much love into the lives of their family and friends.  How can it be selfish to want to have a child and to love that child even if the child is not perfect?   That’s like saying you shouldn’t drive when it’s raining because it increases the risk of having an accident.

  6. people of this caliber have different lives than you and i. they have maids, nannys, cooks, drivers, butlers, assistants, etc.  they don't do the same things as "us" people. do you really think hillary raised chelsea or did a nanny? how about the kennedy's, all of the past presidents had nanny's for their children and the mother didn't even work!!! Sarah Palin has 4 other children 19,17,14,7 and now this baby born a year ago (not newborn). The baby will be just fine!!!!

  7. Absolutely downright selfish.  She not only has an infant, but one with a disability.  That womens place is in her home caring for her own child.


  8. Would the same question be asked had it been a man who was chosen and that man happened to have five kids, one of whom was downs? I doubt it. I would have thought that she would have considered all that.

    Maybe her husband will take on the active parent role, maybe she has lots of support - family members, nannies etc. Just because she could possibly have a job as vice president doesn't mean she loves her family any less.

  9. I'm not sure about your rambling underneath your question as this is the parenting/pregnancy section not politics, but your main question I was wondering the same thing. And also, why do women over the age of 38 willingly get pregnant when they know the risk of defects such as downs is so much greater. To me its selfishness.

    To the person who said she was born a year ago? She was born in April if I'm not mistaking.

  10. I don't see how she can, unless, her husband is going to take care of the child, all the time.

  11. I think its an honest question, in fact one that I asked myself. I think its only natural to wonder how a person can take care of a special needs baby and run a country at the same time. I don't know how she balances it, but I have friends who work two jobs, go to school and have children. I, myself, am about to have my first and have decided only to take 2 courses this semester because I prefer to focus on my baby. If she can do it, then good for her, but I sure couldn't.  

  12. Sarah Palin is an EXCELLENT choice for Vice President.  Period.  How would you like it if you were overlooked for a job because you have a child with downs syndrome?

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