
How can a new muslim handle ramadan??

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ive never really fasted so im wondering is there any thing which helps to do!!

only people who can answer please answer others dont!!




  1. you get used to it after a few days because there's a couple of weeks to get through but have patience and after you break your fast you feel content and Allah will reward you

  2. Try Your best, and Allah gives you strength,

    InshAllah you will be fine x

  3. just do your best and that will be enough

    the first couple of days will be the hardest then u'll get used to it :)

  4. You should try to do more Islamic thing's like learn about Islam in Ramadan.

    Hope I helped

  5. This is free and open question.

    Please, do not tell me not to answer?

    If you into S&M go and live in Iran or KSA ?

    Eat all night and sleep all day, that's how you can fast.

  6. don't be worry , it's realy easy , maybe the 1st day will be hard but u gonna be accustomed to do it

    wake up for sohoor( b4 Fajr prayer) and eat some food and drink

  7. May Allah give you patience

    Go and pray Traweeh and learn more about islam and reads lots

    of Quran during this month

    May Allah guide you


  8. assalamualiakum sister. you know what, something non muslims will never understand is why we do it and in turn "how" we do it. a lot of friends tell me this.. but since youre muslim now mashaAllah, you will come to understand , if not in this Ramadan , then soon inshaAllah, that when youre striving in the way of Allah, and you know that inshaAllah you will be rewarded for doing so, it makes it much easier.  

  9. THe best way to get though Ramadan is to ignore it. Either that or go live in a Muslim country.

  10. Take it one step at a time and do not take it all at once. Ask for Allahs assistance.

  11. you get used to it after a few days because there's a couple of weeks to get through but have patience and after you break your fast you feel content and Allah will reward you !i

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