
How can a person KNOW the difference between the holy ghost and the spirit being of satan?

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How can a person KNOW the difference between the holy ghost and the spirit being of satan?




  1. When does Satan ever tell anyone to pray for their enemies?  It isn't that difficult.

  2. How can you tell the difference between hot and cold. Both can easily be distinguished.

  3. No. Not without help.

    The Spirit of God makes the clear distinction for him.

  4. The Comforter ALWAYS guides you to the Truth.  (satan will only lead you to destruction.)

  5. If you feel a presence, then start worshiping God. If the spirit leaves, it was not of God if the spirit grows stronger than it is God.

  6. Satan is nicer .

  7. Now if you are not saved you wouldn't be able to tell even if I tell you many things.  Are you saved?  If you are, you will know if they are lining up with the word of God.  For instance, if they are trying to glorify themselves instead of Jesus, they are false.  If they have a lust for money instead of wanting to sacrifice to help the poor and bless people, they are false.  If they are selfish and mean and don't spend time with the Lord at all, they are false.  If they love the wrong things, such as everything the Bible tells you not to love (I John 2:15-17), then they are false.  If they don't understand anything about true faith in God, and don't know the word of God, they are not in the spirit of the Lord.  If they are full of pride and self-interest, and they are deceiving people in order to bless themselves, they are false.  The devil can come as an angel of light.

  8. Read the Bible and walk in the Spirit and God will let you me.  bc the devil is very sneaky

  9. Your answer is found in the Bible (NIV) 1 John 4:2-3 "This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every Spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world."

    They are NOT the same thing.

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