
How can a person be Anti-Abortion and Pro-Death Penalty?

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Isnt there an inherent ideological conflict?




  1. People can justify it because every life deserves a chance, but those who take their chance and choose to MURDER do not deserve to have our tax dollars to be spent on housing them and keeping them alive when they took it into their hands to take the life of an innocent person.  

  2. Uhhh, cuz an unborn baby hasn't murdered. What kind of f***ing question is that?

  3. The argument (rightly or wrongly...I personally am grey on both) comes form the idea that people who have been sentenced to death have actually done something that society deems worthy of denying them the right to live. Unlike unborn children or fetuses or cells or whatever they are...who've done nothing right or wrong or...anything.

    I can't say it's a completely stupid argument either.

    Edit: Well, whaddya know, all this time I'm reasonably balanced on the issues and this is the first time I had everyone on my side instead of jumping down my throat. That's kinda nice.

  4. Being against killing innocent fetus' is not even close to killing charles you realize how absurd your question is....WELL DO  YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    THINK ABOUT IT......THINK ABOUT IT....unborn baby.........mass murderer...unborn baby.........mass murderer...unborn baby.........mass murderer...unborn baby.........mass murderer..unborn baby.........mass murderer....unborn baby.........mass murderer...

    AM I GETTING THROUGH TO YOU YET.....jeez you liberals make me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. they could believe that every life deserves a chance, but if you s***w it up that bad, like if you rape a kid or murder someones grandma, then you dont deserve to be alive. maybe? if that even makes sense haha

  6. That is a funny thing, eh?

  7. Huh?

    It's just forcing the innocent to be born, and sending the guilty to their deaths.

    Where's the conflict?

    I would find it confusing the other way around.

    Did you make a typo?

  8. catch 22  just like silly white people are for integration yet send their own kiddies to private schools.

  9. The death penalty saves lives. It has been shown to reduce the murder rate.

    How can people be pro-abortion? That is heartless.

    "modern studies have consistently shown that capital punishment has a strong deterrent effect"

    "capital punishment has a strong deterrent effect"

  10. Well, I'm not a supporter of abortion or the death penalty in general, but if somebody has to die it makes perfect sense that you'd chose a convicted felon over an innocent unborn child doesn't it ?

  11. How can someone want to kill a baby, but not a convicted murderer? A baby cannot commit a crime. A baby does not know right from wrong. A baby can't even defend themself in a court of law.

  12. There's really no conflict

    Most people that are anti abortion already believe in one thing that is flat -out impossible to exist>God  so it's very short leap of logic for them  to believe in something else that's also impossible to exist :that the State will always execute the right person

  13. Easy. They rationalise that the humans that did wrong deserve to die, but the fetus, that never did anything wrong, doesn't. I don't entirely agree, but it's their opinion.

  14. baby did nothing wrong, criminal did.

    both take a life, one deserves death.

    baby could be put up for adoption, criminal cant be.

  15. The Republicans want you to be born, and then you are on your own.

    The Democrats want you dead before birth, but if you are born you get social services as a prize for being born.

  16. innocence versus guilt

  17. You're comparing taking innocent life to taking the life of a murderer.  So no, given that profound distinction there is no ideological conflict whatsoever.  

    What I don't get is that when a woman wants her baby, it's a precious little life in there with a name.  She'll cherish the baby within her, maybe sing songs to them, and have unconditional love for them.  It's a person in there.  

    But oh, if she doesn't want the baby, then suddenly it's just a mass of tissue.  

    Life is as arbitrary as if the mother wants her unborn child or not.  Such a heinous ideology where life is only for the planned, the healthy and the wanted.  

  18. A definite conflict. I am pro-choice, pro-life and I don't believe in the death penalty, because I think they would be much more useful to society if they were donated to science, only after they were convicted without any reasonable doubt,

  19. Anti Abortion basically means you will have that god d**n child whether you like it or not.

    Think about it, a women gets raped and then gets told to keep her child under the new law.

  20. People choose their path in life. Metal illness is the only good excuse.

  21. Obama might be able to answer this question. He quoted that one measure of a society is how it" treats it's weakest members". The downtrodden, those without a voice, the most vulnerable, the most persecuted. Who is the weakest in society but the unborn, and yet he favors unlimited acess to abortion. He would not even vote for legislation that would have protected babies that were born accidentally due to botched abortions.

  22. They think life is precious until birth.  

  23. I'm not anti-abortion, but I don't really see the connection between what one wants for unborn babies and what one wants for criminals who have most likely killed others.

  24. through lots and lots of rationalization.

    Of course the same exact thing can be said for the other way around.  How can someone be FOR killing their offspring but against euthanizing rapists, murders, and pedophiles?

  25. A child should not be punished for a choice it did not make, that child did not ask to be born but as soon as it is conceived it is a life and it has done no harm.

    Someone that has committed a heinous crime such as serial murder is clearly asking for it.

    Do you not see the difference in that?

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