
How can a person be in a perfect state of being do you think it is possible?

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How can a person be in a perfect state of being do you think it is possible?




  1. No.  

  2. I do think its possible with a lifetime of work...its not easy.

  3. Yes, it's possible.  Enoch's city was taken up to God because the people had perfected themselves to the extent that they could no longer be kept within the limits of mortal life.  

    In my religion (LDS), we believe that people will be instantaneously transfigured (become immortal) if they reach perfection while in this life (but it's unlikely to happen in today's world, maybe because people don't live long enough, as they did in ancient times).  It is possible that one or two Book of Mormon prophets may have received this very advanced state of grace.

    The perfect state of being, of course, involves giving up all selfish desires, and being filled with a love that cannot fail.  I think that's what religion and spirituality is all about... trying to attain personal spiritual perfection.

    Matthew 5:44-48 -

    44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

      45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven...

      48 ... Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

    LDS believe that God will never command us to do something without Him providing a way for us to accomplish it.  (1 Ne. 3:7) Therefore, if Jesus (God's deputy) has commanded us to be perfect (in the context of being perfectly loving), it's possible to do, and something we should all be working our way towards.

    Peace ♥

  4. A perfect state of being for a human being is being imperfect. I've never known someone who is below or above that standard. We are all capable of  acts of incredible nobility and acts of incredible cruelty. It is in our innate natures.

    But I reach for the title of being a noble beast rather than a beastly noble. I think the world is better off when we all reach for that more caring nature, but recognize the more basic, more cruel, states of being within.


  5. it's like buddhists and attaining enlightenment. Generally recognized as impossible but the attempt is considered noble.

  6. Right after berth . Before the world corrupts .

  7. I am not sure there is such of state of perfection. However, I have met Monks, and Buddhists that seemed to have "it". I met the Dali Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, who was my first Master, and Lama Rinpoche Jamal, and they were very emblematical of a high state of being. The Rinpoche was imprisoned for 18 years by the Chinese, and he told me that when they released him, he was so glad, because he said it was becoming harder to forgive his guards, and that he was afraid he would not be able to one day.

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