
How can a person legally change their son's last name when biological father is not in the picture?

by  |  earlier

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son is seven with a wonderful stepfather who would like him to share his last name i know adoption is one way but with legal name change without adoption not sure of the procedure to do so his father has not been involved since he was a baby seven and a half now and only pays child support because his wages are garnished can a name change be done without his consent




  1. The biological father has to give consent.

  2. the child is in YOUR custody. go down to city hall, they will be able to walk you through it. my step brother shares my fathers last name, for the same sort of reason, but without child support.

    i was too little to know if he was legaly adopted or whatever, but i know city hall is the place to go. you can find all the laws about it.

  3. biological father has to relinquish all rights and then you have to have adoption papers drawn up...If you cannot find the father, you can try to get the courts to rule have to try and contact all known relatives, put an ad in the paper...and record all efforts for something like 6 months..

    good's great that your son has a great step-dad...good job on finding him!!

  4. if you weren't married to the father then yes you would need to speak to a solictor and they can do a name change deed it does cost though if you were married then you would need to get his permission.

  5. Nope!! He has to sign off as the father and relinquish all rights. You do know that if he does this you will no longer get child support from him?

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