
How can a person love God if he is also to fear Him?

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How can a person love God if he is also to fear Him?




  1. Palms 111:10------------fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom

  2. "Man should not be afraid of God."

    Meister Eckhart - mystic

    God love you!

  3. Rev 14:6,7

    Fear God and give him glory.....

    I asked this exact same Q, once.

    If you liken it to a parent / child relationship,

    it's easier for our human mind to comprehend.

    After all, it is Godly wisdom you are taking in.

    If the child is told to come home right after school,

    but, the child doesn't.

    Now, he has a fear of his parents~

    because he will be receiving discipline when he gets home.

    So, he it's getting later, and darker.

    Now, the child is scared, and so goes running home.

    To the loving, safe arms of his parents.

    The fear is a healthy fear.

    And the love, is from having a loving relationship,

    with your parent.....or your God.

  4. The Bible tells us that we should both love Jehovah

    [Luke10:27] and fear him. [! Pet. 2:17; Prov. 1:7; ; 2:1-5; 16:6]

    Wholesome fear of God will make us very careful to avoid incurring his displeasure. Our love  for Him will move us to want to do things that are pleasing to him, to express our appreciation for the countless undeserved expressions of his love and kindness.We never want to do anything that would bring dishonor to our loving God.

  5. Fear is the beginning of Wisdom (Love).  

  6. You should fear GOD's wrath, but love him for giving you life and a chance of eternal life.

  7. Like being hooked on rollercoasters or bungee-jumping. You love the rush of fear.

  8. The word "fear" was the best the translators could come up with without using an entire sentence or two for the original word. It is a word that means a deeply respectful awe. This is a simplification. The idea is respect and admiration. These things are not incompatible with love.

  9. Fear is respect.

  10. You are not supposed to have a morbid fear of God.  Just respect.  Like you do your earthly parents. A sense of awe is a good thing.

  11. Abusive relationships are like that.

    (And no, I don't fear my parents.  I love them, free of judgement or expectations, as they love me.  I assume any god worthy of the title could manage the same.)

  12. How did you feel about your father when you were a kid?

  13. fear is not abject terror of a cruel god. It is reverential awe because of who he is. It is also the fear of displeasing him.  

  14. When the Bible said to fear God, fear was to mean obey.

  15. ditto 'OakSmoKid', +...

    Why Study the Bible?

    - The Key to a Meaningful Life

    > What the Fear of God Means...

    > How Fear and Love Work Together

  16. fear is only for those who reject Him. Believers dont.

  17. "Fear" is meaning 'out of reverence'. (Not being scared of Him, but to Honor Him.)

  18. The same way we love and fear our parents and love ones! We love them so much that we are afraid (fear) to do something that might hurt and disappoint their feelings.

    We love and fear God as our heavenly father. We love Him for the life He gave us. And we fear Him because we don't want to hurt His feelings.

    (Proverbs 27:11) Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me.

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