
How can a person treat one child different from another? Without thining the child will be affected?

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How can a person treat one child different from another? Without thining the child will be affected?




  1. Sometimes we treat children different without realizing it:

    1) They aren't our own - I'm not talking about stepchild here. A random child on the street is NOT my child. While I will save the child's life if put in the sitaution, the love for MY child is far greater than THAT child.

    2) WE have different expectations that are sometimes misunderstood as "love" - my son is older than my daughter and I expect more from him. Does that mean I love him less because I demand a bit more maturity? Nope.

  2. i listened to a specialist about this subject.your definition of different isnt specific,but kids have different personalities and will be raised different,to a point.good luck.

  3. Well there is no way i could do that but i have a terrible story i will share

    My sister just got married to her boyfriend well they have a little boy that is right at 3 next month and well he has three other kids that he does not due nothing with not much with my nephew well they are all from age 7 6 and another one that is 3 years old and well he wants to sign his rights over to the other 3 so they do not want to pay child support they treat the other 2 like c**p cause they are stupid to treat them different then the third child is in a different state and well he don't even talk to him but he does not want to support his kids and stuff and i think they treat the others like c**p cause they are not theres together and then my nephew well he does not get the best attention as my mom has him most of the time so they can treat them different but it is stupid i think if you have kids they need to be all treated the same

    When the oldest 2 come around we treat them like i would my other 3 nephews and so if i can treat them great  you would think there dad would treat them with respect but i think they are deadbeat parents

  4. Parents, for the most part, treat children differently because they think each kid needs something different whether more encouragement or discipline. At the time, its hard to accept that they treat one differently because one needs special treatment and the other is more capable in that area but as you grow up you realize it was a good thing that you were treated differently.

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