
How can a person with only 143 working days as a senator become president?

by Guest60541  |  earlier

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become president?




  1. If enough people don't think experience matters.

  2. Because a lot of people in this country are easily "led".

  3. Obama has been vouched for by a former popular President as ready.

    Who is going to question and vouch for Palin?  Bush?

  4. Anything is possible in America and when you are being pushed by the liberals in the Dem. party.  This guy has no experience, no background to speak of, no major bills to his credit and the most liberal voting record in the Congress...Yes, anything is possible in the U.S. of A.  This empty suit is a figment of Hollywood spectacular.  All show and no go...Cannot wait till McCain destroys him at the debates.  He will self destruct and when the 529 Swift Boat Vets get him he will be defeated.  He has a terrible background, suspect friends and not one original idea in his dense head...he is a robot of the Dem. party liberal left wing forces.

  5. Because people, the same ones who can complain about the issues, will vote for a guy who says he is about change, but doesn't tell you how to change things, and also hires a VP who is the farthest thing from change you could get. It's the ignorant population that could elect Obama. However, I expect he will not win.

  6. Well he WAS a community activist.....the only experience he has is campaigning. Like the last democratic president, he is still campaigning!

  7. First you make a great speech. Then you throw your hat in the ring, then become the media darling then the people who run your party give the Nomination to you.  Here is where it gets tough, you have to win enough electoral votes to become President.

  8. Without a doubt the most outrageously inexperienced candidate ever to be the nominee of a major party.

  9. bc the majority of people are too dumb to realize experience is needed..

  10. To the person about with the Chimp comment... um look at your candidate.

  11. This is the USA - anything is possible! We even elected a chimp - twice!

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