
How can a prove she was my loco parentis

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My grandmother passed. She raised me for 13 years. I'm currently deployed. My unit told me if i go to the funeral that counts as my R&R because i having nothing to prove she raised me. What can i do or who can i talk to.




  1. Sorry to hear of your Loss, it sucks, in situations where you are Deployed... the most important thing is get home, if it counts as your R&R, does it really matter? The time spent arguing it, or proving it, is time you could be with your Loved one, time with your Family.... that is the important issue, correct? As far as proving it, did you Enlist at 17? Were you living with her, and using her address, at the time of Enlistment? However, proving those will take time...  time is short.

    Your Unit Chaplain is a great resource for info, and help, at times like this... even if you are not religious.

  2. Whatever you need you won't get it before the funeral.  You should have gotten the paperwork before you left along with your will and power of attorney stuff.  Not much you can do now.  Take R&R and enjoy the days best you can.

  3. there is nothing.   any command has the authority to dictate that any trip home while deployed doubles as your R&R.  Emergency leave is NEVER a guarantee.   and like others have said, any legal paperwork you need to prove In loco parentis would never make it in time anyway.  

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