
How can a "real atheist" be 99% Atheist and 1% Unsure?

by Guest65612  |  earlier

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"I can't completely rule out the slim chance there could be a god, because the universe is big and he or she could be hiding anywhere."

--- The Amazing Larry

Check out this answer to one of my questions...

"Yeah, it's as irrational as calling yourself a "Buddhist atheist". lol!

Maybe when you get your own act together you can worry about the other theists (yes theists) like yourself.


Real atheism."

So isn't this a bit odd and ironic? Doesn't he break the whole "Atheist" definition? Sounds agnostic to me.

I know this is childish, but it's fun!




  1. Atheist = People who disbelieved in the existence of a supreme being(s).

    Note the word "Disbelieved". Disbelieved has nothing to do with knowledge. Atheists are agnostic about god, therefore chose to disbelieve in one, any one, until there are proof that it existed.

  2. Sounds like an agnostic to me

  3. Many Buddhists are atheist. They believe in spiritual enlightenment directed from the self. Not directed to or by any deity.

    An atheist does not believe there is a deity. We do not believe because we have seen no proof that there is one. We don't get a warm fuzzy when we think about a deity.

    However, indisputable evidence. Tested and verifiable would make a believer out of any non-believer. I would not concur that there is a 1% chance. I personally believe there is 0% chance. I will, however, admit my ignorance should true evidence come forth.

  4. Because you (or they - I am unsure which are your words and which are quotes) have the wrong definition of atheism.  You have obviously bought into the sloppy ignorance (or intentional mendacity) of theists who insist that all atheists possess a firm belief that no gods exist.

    Instead the vast majority of us simply lack a positive belief in gods.

    The difference is between saying "I can prove what you say is wrong" and " I just don't believe you yet because you haven't convinced me"

    If the answer to "do you have a belief in gods?" is "No" then you lack theism and are an atheist.  How sure you are, or how open to being convinced they DO exist, is immaterial.  No belief = atheist.

    Agnosticism is a question of how and if we can know, no what we believe or not.

  5. 1% is pretty large when you are talking about an invisible flying pink unicorn ... or gods.  Definitely an agnostic.

  6. No one can be 100% sure either way. You can't be 100% sure that god exists just as you can't be 100% god doesn't.  

  7. Atheism/theism is about beliefs

    Agnosticism is about knowledge

    In the strictest sense of the term you could argue that EVERYONE is agnostic...

  8. because everyone is a little unsure. Its human nature. No1 is completly sure of anything. Just how it is brother.

  9. Because nothing is proven. An atheist may very well believe in evolution, not believe in God, but they still aren't closed minded enough to hear what other's have to say, who do believe in God.  

  10. Does atheism include absolute certainty?  If so, based on what?

    If one cannot entertain the possibility that there are other options, even if one deems them highly unlikely, wouldn't that be dogmatic?

  11. It is possible to be 99% atheist as only takes 51% to achieve a majority.

    Perhaps it is not too unreasonable to assume that there is some room for spiritual manouevre, as most people are never 100% 'anything'.

    We are creative and idealistic, we must allow a small percentage of doubt so we may grow.

  12. It's intellectually honest to admit that you can't know for sure whether or not there's a god, but what we can know with 100% certainty is that if there is a god, it can't be the horrid monster described in the bible.

  13. Do you know the definition of one who is:

    An insomniac,



    One who lies in bed all night wondering whether or not there really is a DOG.

    Your're right !   This IS fun.

  14. The question is really not about the definition of atheist, but of the definition of God.  I do not believe in God in any o fthe ways he/she/it has been defnied and described to me.  Perhaps there is some definition of god in which I can believe, I just haven't heard it yet.   The 99% / 1% is an unrefined way to represent that thought.

  15. All Buddhists are atheists.  

    As for me, I'm not 1% unsure, but I don't deny the possibility of a higher being of some sort.  I have no proof either way, however there is proof that the world's major religions are false.

  16. Yeah, your right, I am unsure.  1% of me does think that Zeus might actually exist.

  17. Quite simple. I am an atheist but of course I could not really rule out the chance that there might be some powerful being out there in deep space (of course not an ALL-powerful one but a QUITE powerful one) which might qualify as a god on first sight. The first Europeans in America were also regarded as gods first.

    But just because I consider such a thing I would never all myself an agnostic. I am an atheist through and through.

  18. I am smart enough to realize that you can never really know anything like that for sure.  All I can say is what I think is most likely true, but to say that this is absolutely true and there is no chance of me being wrong would be idiotic.

    " It is scientific only to say what is more likely and what less likely, and not to be proving all the time the possible and impossible." - Richard Feynman

  19. because atheists base thier position on logic, unlike religion which bases it on belief.

    while odds are between too "miniscule to calculate" and none that there is some "magic man in the sky", it has not been "disproven" becasue the vast majority of things, can't.

    you can't disprove pink unicorns, does that make them real? no, is there a tiny tiny tiny tiny possibilty they exist then? possibly, however untill you find proof that pink unicorns or god exists- the reasonable person cannot claim that they do.

    that 1% represents the logical athiest thought process that requires proof and leaves the door open for someone to provide legitimate proof no matter how ludicrus an idea that is.

    while we, the "it doesn't exist camp" can rely on the "prove it" statement and put you to the test- you can't- you need to prove it.

  20. Atheism & Buddhism have one main thing in common....

    Both ideals are concerned about there 'not' being a Deity to worship..

    Buddha is not and never believed Himself a 'God'.

    Buddhists do not worship Buddha, they just try to understand His reasoning and wisdom!

    It is totally possible to be an Atheist and believe in Buddhism...

    Both are my ideals and in my opinion, Humanity would be a far more relaxed, informed and enlightened species....

    With both!!!

    ''Watchful amongst the unwatchful, awake amongst those that sleep, the wise man like a swift horse runs his race, outrunning those who are slow''.....

    Siddhartha Guatama.... Born:  487BC.


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