
How can a successful team like West Coast Eagles, be in so much in disarray?

by Guest61451  |  earlier

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An independant report into the operations of West Coast has outlined 35 separate incidents of poor off-field behaviour by its players, involving 13 players over the past six years.

Has WCE, got behaviour issues?




  1. Pressure from winning may have caused this problem xoxo

  2. I always had the OPINION,  that John Worsfold as a WCE player & captain, was reckless in his approach to the game and opposition players  !    Is it  coincidence now, that the team he coach's is a wreck, or am totally wrong !

  3. I kinda agree with molly. But who were the 13?? i guess it would be Cousins, Gardiner (both gone now) who have caused a lot of trouble. but 35 incidents...that sucks ayy. I gues not all werer that seriou, probably like hanging out with those bikies and stuff..cos I havent heard 35 incidents happening in the news and stuff.

    I cant really comment on it THAT much cos I havent been a big supporter for 6 years...Ive always watched and liked it, but I have never looked at the players outside of their game...and it was more like once the game is over thats it life goes on. never really knew bout off field stuff.

  4. mate i would go loco if i had to live in Perth

    to answer your question yes but with only 2 teams in WA any bad behaviour will make news to sell papers

  5. they are not tough enough on their players when things go wrong.

    harsher penalties would help and the behavioural problems may diminish.

    poor role models for our youth too.

  6. I certainly think that the lifestyle over in the West contributes to the woe's of WCE.

    Thats a disgraceful track record for a team that has been so successful on field.

    Its about time the board, coach, club and players are all made responsible and action taken to curb their wayward behaviour.

    Im talking curfews, no drink/drugs in the OFF season as well as during the season with appropriate measures to ensure that all players are tested and monitors.  

    The players need to have a list of harsh concequences outlined and put in place ASAP.

  7. yeah for sure

    their discipline plan is horrible. no wonder players like cousin and chick get in trouble for overstepping the boundaries.

  8. All teams have to deal with off field behaviour incidents at some point in time, no club can say that they haven't had to deal with it. The fact that the severity of the WCE incidents is so high (no pun intended) makes it blatantly obvious that something needs to be done.

    Has WCE, got behaviour issues?  YES

    Have OTHER CLUBS, got behaviour issues? YES

    WCE currently has the more severe behaviour issues

  9. Of course they have behavior problems.

    Stardom has got to their heads and think their $hit don't stink.

    Someone really needs to get them back to reality.

    As for Ben Cousins....I don't really mind him being in the spot light.

    No shirt incident always brings a SMILE to my face!!! lol

  10. thats pretty obvious ,drugs in sport ,and too much money for young men to handle and they think they are invisible ,and untouchable as well as live in another world till they crash ! help them ,take their money and teach them what it is like to have nothing send them out to the streets and see some real life ,and what the kids on the street  are doing and dying by the thousands on a daily basis. and they may want to help someone for a change .as well as their selves ,open your eyes and be real !west coast wake up ,now before it,s too late.

  11. Lack of leadership at the top.

  12. A lot of pressure i would imagine. Especially to poor Benny Cousins. Someone who is an AFL legend and still is became an addict to drugs. It's not a suitable scene for kids and they could follow his footpaths and if they ever become AFL stars. Not just in the sporting industry but celebrities are taking drugs and i mean a lot more celebrities. If only drugs like speed, choof and ecstasy were gone for good maybe there would be less problems in the world and a lot less boringness from news. LOL.

  13. Now I am not trying to condone what the Eagles have done far from it  but I am starting to think this is legacy of 10 yrs of Malthouse who has habit of spitting the dummy when he can't get his own way and is well known for his arrogance.

    I just goggled up the behaviour of Collingwood since he has arrived at the club and that is not pretty reading either and that is without an official inquiry.

    I know everyone is going to think it is because I barrack for the Eagles  I say this but I have been thinking it for quite a few years.

  14. Coach has nothing to do with it, it was the boards fault for not putting there foot down, when they got out of hand

  15. the answer to your question big kev is that what team in the afl has not been through this.just depends on what team it is to how much publicity it it gets and also where they finish the season.

  16. I think that drugs and bad behavior should not be tolerated and instead of a slap on the wrist it should be punished. If that punishment is to be kicked out of the squad then so be it. These guys are paid and lauded an awful lot and for that privelage they should look to their actions and behave themselves and if they cant then they should find other jobs. Leave the playing of footie up to the guys who really want to be the best they can be and get rid of the ones who have "god" complexes.

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