
How can a team have TWICE as many shots on goal and still be behind by two?

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gotta love those redwings, not letting ANYTHING past the goal today.




  1. Gotta love those Redwings fans. Bragging because they can't READ. The Redwings have twice as many shots, and the Penguins shots have all come on the power play. Redwings are doing a good job of keeping the Penguins from getting shots though.

    Well I apologize for the remark about reading then.

  2. That what happens when you have Cindy!!

  3. Hmmm, I thought that the Red Wings were outshooting the Pens after the first period.

       However, there are many times when a team is outshot and wins.  The better stat is "scoring chances".  Teams with more scoring chances than there opponent lose less often than when they outshoot their opponents.  A "scoring chance" is a subjective stat, but it relates to the quality of the shot taken and the position of the shot taker when he takes the shot.  Thus, it's an evaluation of the quality of attempts at the goal.  Shooting from between the hash marks is a far better place to shoot from than being by the boards - both may result in a shot on goal but realistically the one shot from between the hash marks has a far greater chance of beating a goaltender...

       And, Detroit is surely getting better scoring chances than the Pens so far in this game.

  4. Well, there shots might not make it in the goal. a durr. The goalie on the opposing team obviously is good at saving the shots.

  5. My guess... not very good aim?  

    Goal keeper who knows how to play and doesn't allow easy shots to get past him.

  6. the Wings have twice as many shots as the Pens, not the other way around.

  7. Detrtoit has twice as many and a 2goal lead

  8. Its all about who have the best percentage of score...You can shoot 40 times and make 1 goal but if the other team shoots 4 and makes 3 goals, its a sign that the other team have a better percentage and less oportunities.

  9. either the teams goalie is amazing, or everyone else sucks

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