
How can a teen help with 'Going Green'?

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My teacher got me really encouraged about the environment and i would really like to help. since im a teen, i can't really persuade my other family members or donate money. my family does recycle paper and use florescent lightbulbs but i want to do MORE.




  1. recycling soda bottles and milk jugs. just ask your mom if you could take it and put it inthe recycling box

    reuse things. suck as bgas and stuff. donate old clothes

    for some products, buy in larger size becasue it's less wrapping

  2. live like a hermit

  3. Good for you for going green. Mostly everything everyone else has said. Also keep your refridgerator at 37 degrees and freezer at 0 for maximum efficiency. Turn off all devices when not in use. Unplug items even when not in use because they still draw electricity.

    You're awesome for going green! :]


    follow this link - some ideas even a teen can do.. if not now.. when you are older.. good luck..

    donating money isnt nearly as good as using your money to do things.. like plant a tree.. spay your pet... or buy USED clothing..

    also a Teen can  help A LOT simply by not buying JUNK you dont need!!!

    shop at second hand stores!!!!

  5. We recycle everything we can.  It doesn't mean we live like hermits.

    Anything you do, or get your friends to do is AWESOME!  You're really looking out for your future.

  6. Good on you for wanting to make a change to help the environment! Here are several easy ways that ANYONE can make a difference, regardless of age or income.

    1. If you see a piece of trash on the ground, pick it up and throw it away (unless it is something hazardous to your health). Every little piece counts. Get your friends together and go out to your local park with gloves and trash bags and clean up the park, then go out for pizza or something afterwards to celebrate.

    2. Turn off the water when you brush your teeth/wash your face/etc... you can waste as much as a gallon a minute just letting the water run.

    3. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. You don't need light in a room you aren't in, and it saves energy (and money).

    4. Ask your parents for a water-saving fixture on your shower to help you use less water when you're bathing. They aren't very expensive, and they can reduce your water use by a lot.

    5. Instead of asking your parents to drive you somewhere that is within a mile of your home, walk! It's good for you and the environment.

    6. Instead of throwing away your school papers when you get them back, recycle them.

    7. Take reusable bags with you to the grocery store, Wal-mart, etc. instead of using their plastic bags to carry your purchases. If you forget, ask them to load up the bags as heavy as they can go, and instead of throwing those bags away when you get home, save them and reuse them later.

    8. Reuse ziplock sandwich bags. If you just put a sandwich in it, it's not dirty! Rinse it out and let it sit in the dish drainer to dry, and use it the next day. You can use the same bags for a week or more... it cuts down on the amount of bags you use, and by proxy, throw away.

    9. Recycle EVERYTHING you can. Any plastic bottles, containers, cardboard boxes, etc. can all be tossed into the recycling bin instead of the trash.

    10. When you aren't on the computer, turn it OFF instead of letting it sit on Stand-by, or worse, just sit there 'awake' with no one using it.

    11. Keep the A/C set no lower than 78 in the summer, and no higher than 68 in the winter.

    12. When you get a car, opt for one that is fuel-efficient. Some fuel-efficient cars include the Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla, Ford Focus, VW Bug, etc. The smaller the car, the better the gas mileage. That will both save you money and help the environment.

    13. ANYTHING else you can think of! =)

    Kudos to you for wanting to help, and I hope these tips get you started off!

  7. Oh my goodness girl there are so many ways you can contribute as a teen and the first is by sharing the very idea of going green with all your friends and encouraging them to join and create a green club, if you don't already have one, on campus, try to spear head your schools recycling programs include cans, bottles, paper etc. I'm sure your teacher would act as the faculty sponsor!!! Next go on-line and get better ideas and try to "Network" with others in the movement, and you can go on the web site and they have all kinds of environmentally connected groups and folks doing all kinds of great things for the environment and our fellow man! Hope this is just the start of your green lifestyle!!!


  8. start a green club in school to get other kids more eco friendly

    put recycling bins near trash cans.  use money from soda cans and newspaper recycling to buy stuff for the entire school.  once kids see what they can get by recycling, maybe they'll be more encourage to recycle.

    put up posters in school, especially near recycling and trash cans.

  9. You could by,not use as much water when you brush your teeth meaning only leave the water on when you need to rinse. You might do this already but you can help do the dishes and instead of wasting water washing them you can use the dishwasher. You can also do or tell your parents to turn down the heat (or don't set your air-conditioning so high). Every degree warmer you set your thermostat in the summer, and every degree cooler you leave it in the winter, will save in both energy consumption and expense about 2 percent cost savings per degree.

    Another thing you can do is Turn off your computer when you leave work for the evening, and unplug your coffee pot after breakfast. Appliances use electricity even when they're turned off but plugged in. Buy a dryer rack for your laundry room, and use it instead of your dryer the next time you wash clothes. Running a dryer uses lots of electricity.The only other thing I can think of is don't leave your lights on in your house unless you are using them.

    Hope I helped you With your problem. =]

  10. i'm only 14, and i help a lot! i'm a vegan, or a person who doesn't eat meat, seafood, dairy products, or honey, and who doesn't wear leather, wool, or silk. i do this because of my beliefs of animal rights. to me, a life is a life, so killing a cow is like killing a person. through the course of my life, i've saved hundreds of lives.

    that probably sounds really drastic to you. something more reasonable that you could try is to become a vegetarian, or a person who doesn't eat meat. some eat seafood because it's not considered "meat," some don't. that may limit your food selection, but you'd be surprised at how much food you can acctually still eat. ever hear of a veggieburger? it's soy thats flavored to tast like real meat. it has the same amout of protein as regular meat but less than half the fat. sooo healthy! protien is also in nuts and beans, vegetarian foods.

    this probablly wasn't the type of answer you were looking for. here's some advice,- decide what you believe in environmentally. then stick with it and make a difference. i decided that i value the life of a cow like the life of a stranger, and so i made my statement in this way.

    well good luck with going green!!! :D

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