
How can a trailer park legally ban you from having a firearm in your home?

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In my park rule and regulations book the rules say that i am not allowed to have any firearms in my home. I understand that it is considered private property and is not a bad area that I live in, but how can they do this without providing any security or gates/fences around the property?

Could they ever be held liable for a gun crime committed against someone in their home? Especially since the park provided no alternative form of protection inside their community?




  1. You answered your own question.  It's their property.  That's the bottom line.  They can allow or prohibit whatever they want.  Only the government is bound by the bill of rights, not private parties.  

    And no, they cannot be held liable for a crime unless they committed the crime.  They are under no legal obligation to ensure your safety, unless the lease requires them to do so.

  2. In many states they can't legally ban you from having firearms in your home, this includes trailer parks or apartment complexes. It all depends on where you live though. You shouldn't feel obligated to follow unconstitutional rules. They can't legally search your trailer for guns anyway. So if you have a gun hidden somewhere they aren't going to know about it. Nobody is liable for your safety except for yourself.

  3. This is a gray area. Since you live on their property they can make rules (or covenants) and attempt to enforce them. They can also pursue legal/police action if they feel you have broken the law, as can any normal citizen. But they are no substitute for law, and cannot deny you your rights as an American. People assume they can make rules and their word is law, which is untrue. Unfortunately the only way to "fight" them is to hire a lawyer and take them to court. Otherwise they are within their rights to fine you or pursue any action they wish.

    This is only a guideline, please consult your lawyer for legal advice.

  4. They shouldn't. If you are legally able to buy, own, use a firearm they cannot restrict you. Even landlords at a rented home or apartment cannot restrict you. And if they do, I would follow what Jaggerman said. If it is unconstitutional they are breaking the law.

    If you have a conceal carry permit then they definitely cannot stop you...If you have a major issue, I would call a lawyer.

  5. because they own the property your mobile home is sitting on, if you are paying them a monthly rate....they do own it and can set the rules.

    as for them being legally responsible it would not hold up. if someone wants to break in they will break in regardless of a fence or other measures. you can secure your trailer the best you can, home depot or lowes a a load of security items you can install yourself.

    you can ask if you may have a professional fence installed around your own lot, i do see a lot of the mobile home units with their own fence, a chain link and it looks nice.

    you could also get people to sign a petition to make your community a gated community. be aware this may cause your lot rent to increase.

    you could also get some security items, a chain link fence and get things going for a gated community, do all 3 ideas if you would feel better.

    you can also start a neighborhood watch in your complex. you can go online to find out how to start one and get the neighborhood watch stickers and signs.

    hope at least one idea helps. gave you many ideas to choose from, it's okay if you don't like them and you do not have to do any of them if you don't like them. really, it's up to you what you choose to do. good luck.

  6. Yeah I personally don't get that.

    But if no one can have a gun then Crimes are limited and would'nt they be held liable for allowing people to own guns so close to other peoples homes or not? idk I am only 16 but I would say they are trying to keep it at a minimum. But you could allways hide it or move away.

  7. the park owner can pout his one rules. he own the property and you rend from him. but you have the right to own a gun in the house, and you can defend you self in case an intruder Com's to harm you, you can't tack the gun out of you home, and is register in you name, you may tack the gun to go to the firing range,check with police to verified the legality of the rules of the town. you have every right to own a gun and trasfer the gun, is a feteral low.

  8. You're right... a trailer park is private property. Police can only enter and enforce laws on this property if someone makes a call to 911. If it is policy for the trailer park that you cannot have a firearm, then it will be upheld by the parks owners as well as law enforcement. I don't think something as little as a 600 dollar firearm is worth getting evicted over.

    The quality of protection and safety is always in the eye of the beholder. Try to do things around your house to make things safer. One thing to do is evaluate police response time to your trailer park. If it isn't good, then call up your non-emergency dispatch or police station and simply request extra patrols in your trailer park throughout the day. It will bring up the police presence in your neighborhood and when there is a good police presence, crime drops juristically.

    Best of luck.

  9. because they don't want you people shooting each other.

  10. The park would not be held liable. No park is required to provide security measures... these are seen as an optional convenience in almost every state (some minor exceptions apply in other states). Because of the nature of trailer parks and other real estate developments, it is well within the right of the park to ban firearms for all tenants except those in law enforcement. It is private property or a private association and as such they have the right to dictate many things, even what colors are acceptable for your home, never mind fire arms. They cannot be held liable for crimes committed by other people.  

  11. They might b able 2 do that but u should check ur state's laws

  12. No.  YOu are on your own.  

    I would suggest taking some karate lessons or buy some mace.  

  13. Because they own it.

  14. Because it's their property which they lease to you.  If you don't like it, you leave.

    They probably wouldn't be held liable in court because you'd need to prove that the crime wouldn't have occurred had there been a gun in the trailer, which is pretty difficult to do.  The number of home invasions foiled by firearms is vastly lower than the number of accidental household gun deaths.  Furthermore, in such a confined area as a trailer park where the buildings aren't exactly the sturdiest construction, an accidental discharge in one home could easily hit one of the neighbors.

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