
How can a vegetarian be overweight?

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How can a vegetarian be overweight?




  1. haha wow you can be a vegetarian and be overweight easily!! chips, cookies, soda, popcorn, candy, chocolate, fried foods are all high fattening foods that do not contain meat that you can easily get fat off of...most vegetarians make good choices and watch what they eat its more of a lifestyle

  2. The same way anyone else can: by eating more calories than they burn.

  3. vegetarian can east dairy items, and over eating dairy items make them over weight. Vegetarian can also it fried items, potato and they help them to gain overweight.

  4. same way anyone else can.... calories in are more than calories out!  

    it's easy to do if you load up on carb heavy food like pastas too or eat pizza and fries to replace meat.

  5. I knew a vegetarian chef who was at least 50 pounds overweight.   He had a very high fat, high sugar diet and the carbs he was eating were not complex.  Foods like Rice Cakes are almost instantly absorbed while complex carbs like beans and whole rice provide slow burning calories.  Eating a big salad with half a cup of olive oil on it is not exactly diet food.  

    Eating a vegetarian diet is not automatically healthy just as a omnivorous diet is not automatically unhealthy.

  6. By pigging out (Oh, dear!)

  7. easy, they think that they can still eat junk food and that just because they dont eat meat should instantly make them healthier WRONG !

  8. rice, noodles, starch contain a carbohydrate that will turn to fat n sugar if not exercises regularly. bodies not active n always sleep.

  9. Just because it's vegetarian, doesn't mean it's healthy and low-calorie.

    Think about donuts, butter, pizza, things like that.

  10. Well, my sister is a vegetarian and she replaces meat with candies and sweet and sugar. So she is not in great health.

  11. Overeating causes excess weight.  You can overeat vegan spaghetti marinara with a side of sourdough bread with vegan margarine and Sour Patch Kids just as easily as an omnivore can overeat meat, eggs, and dairy.

    And there's vegan beer and wine and margaritas...  

    And tortilla chips and guacamole, and potato chips....

  12. ...The same reason anyone else is overweight?

    Calories consumed  > calories burned


  13. there's nothing in a vegetarian diet that says you can't eat S****y foods.  When you turn vegetarian, it's not guarenteed that you will lose weight, especially if meat was never a large portion of your diet.

    Vegetarians can still eat fattening sweets, and white sugar/flour is a killer.

    If you want to lose weight, go vegan and you'll force more fruits and vegetables into your diet, and eat only brown sugar and whole wheat foods

  14. by not eating healthy and not exercising enough.

    lots of carbs, fats, and sugars.

  15. Simple. By eating more calories than they need and not getting enough exercise.

  16. Good question. A lot of people have this misconception, vegetarians can be overweight just as the next person could be. Actually, the fact that they don't eat meat does not really change much. They can still eat highly fattening foods just like everyone else. Bread and pasta with lots of bad carbs and stuff like that. Many people think that vegetarians diets revolve around vegetables which absolutely makes sense no questions asked, but a lot of vegetarians consider themselves "authentic vegetarians" without really eating a lot of vegatbles, just as long as they aren't eating meat, they will go with the name. One of my friends is a vegetarian, but she's still picky about some of her veggies, how ironic!

  17. Sugar is not a meat

  18. To many calories, to much starch. Eating fattening foods.

  19. Anybody that consumes too many calories and doesn't burn them off can be overweight.

  20. Being a Vegetarian is not going to make you lose weight. We are omnivores so our body is made to consume plants as well as meat. Take away the meat and you are going to have a few health issues. Also vegetarian does not rule out sweets. My best friends sister is a vegetarian and just like he said in his answer to this question she replaces the meat she should be eating with junk food. Try excercising. I started running long distance and now after only 4 months I can run 3 miles and I have lost a ton of weight. Hope this helps!

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