
How can a wet pipet or beaker be dried quickly for reuse?

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  1. .just air-dry it..

    .or for the beaker..

    you can use paper (either scrap or not..) \m/

  2. When you say "wet", I assume you mean water.  The idea here is to have this residual water go through a phase change, from liquid to gas. To accelerate this process you can do a few of things.

    1) since water is miscible with alcohol, wet the surface with isopropanol or methanol, and shake off the residual liquid.

    2) Air flow accelerates the phase change (evaporation) process, so blow on it with an air nozzle.

    3) Applying heat (gently, as alcohol has a low flashpoint) will also acelerate this process.  Heated air works faster

  3. It depends on how critical the operations are after it is dried.  If the glassware gets a final rinse in distilled water, and then more water is going to be added, it may not need t be dried at all.  It's not a good idea to dry with cloth or paper or forced air because that can leave contaminants or fibers from the paper or cloth towel.

    Usually what we do is to add some acetone and swirl it around so that it comes into contact with any residual water.  The acetone-water mixture will evaporate very quickly, leaving the glassware clean and dry.  Ideally this should be done in a hood to avoid the possibility of breathing the acetone vapor.

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