
How can a woman defend herself in Canada?

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I heard from a friend that in Canada you cannot own guns (which I knew), but I didn't know that you cannot carry knives, pepper spray, tasers...basically anything at all. Can you tell me how a woman is supposed to defend herself in Canada? I know some of you are in denial and will say "oh, there are no crimes in canada. we're 100% crime free, unlike those american animals." But seriously, I knew a female that was raped in Canada. How are women supposed to defend themselves from attacks? Hope they are being raped near some rocks so they can grab one and bash in the skull of the rapist? It seems insane that even non lethal "weapons" like mace are illegal.




  1. By using her brain and common sense. Try your best not to be in vulnerable situations. There probably isn't a woman alive who hasn't been assaulted in some sense, but nothing has happened to me in the last 40 years or so because I got smart after a couple of small incidents in my teens.

  2. I keep my eyes open & make sure that I'm the safest I can be.  I try not to put myself into situations that I'd get hurt. At night, go in groups.  And all else fails, if I feel like I'm a little nervous... I hold my keys in my hand.  If someone comes at you, you have a weapon that's not considered a weapon and it can hurt. And you can get away with it.  If you are defending yourself & "accidently" reacted with the keys in your hand... you get the point.   Plus as a woman, you need to know how to fight back.

  3. what you can do first of all is use your brain.

    don't go outside at night where there is no one around to call for help.

    if you are alone make sure you're in a crowded area making it harder to "get raped".

    avoid situations where you have to walk alone in unsafe areas. (go with a friend, go by car, etc). basically just avoid dangerous situations.

    ...and people don't carry maces around, that just promotes violence seeing as its just so convenient that when you don't like something/someone you can just bash it. same with knives, pepper spray, and tasers.

  4. i've never heard anyone say that they think canada is 100% crime free. we have crime just like the rest of the world and we're well aware of it. when i go out at night to take my dog for a walk i carry bear spray with me. other times i just watch my sorroundings, take certain precautions, and try to not go into sketchy or dangerous areas by myself. there are tons of ways to protect yourself without owning a gun or carrying a knife with you at all times. i take self defence classes as well, as do many of the women i know. it's very empowering to have those skills.

  5. You can own guns but its a lot harder than in the states. We have a lot of gun ownership laws in place and I dont think many ordinary people bother to carry guns or have them.

    Most of the guns used in violent crimes are actually illegal guns smuggled in from the US.

    But that aside, it would be absurd to claim that Canada is 100% crime free.

    Its a safer place relative to the US but we still have our share of violent and property crimes.

    As a female I dont actually carry any sort of weapons i.e. pepper spray or knives let alone guns but I just employ common sense and Ive also taken a self-defence course.

    When I go out at night, I go with my friends and we stay in groups, stay on main roads and if possible use public transportation or taxis etc.

    If I am walking alone at night, I dont listen to my iPod, am aware of my surroundings and stay on main roads etc

    Sometimes I hold on to my keys if Im alone and I just think that if I needed to I could simply stab someone with my keys lol...Im not sure if that would work but still.

    My friends and I have never had a problem yet and Ive been living here in Toronto for almost 11 years now.

    Its good to be prepared and all but I dont think it should extend to such a degree that you are terrified of the outside and restrain yourself from living your life.

    For instance, keep in mind that the majority of rapes are actually committed by someone the victim knows rather than strangers; its just that the media really focuses on the stranger-rapes because well...its the media.

    I think all it takes is common sense and perhaps knowing some self-defence and maybe even carrying pepper spray etc.

  6. Its called using the boot to kick the booty.

    Any woman anywhere in the world should NEVER depend on a male to protect her in that the number one killers and abusers of women are those males that are related to her or are her significant other.

    An intelligent woman should LEARN to protect herself by learning self defense and KNOW she has the RIGHT and the POWER to be able to defend HERSELF....

  7. Karate

  8. Canada is certainly NOT crime free.

    I've been attacked and nearly attacked on several occasions.

    I am taking self defense classes and also, I carry around a little can of bear spray. Bear spray is legal.

    Good luck!

  9. Car keys in the eyes.

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