
How can a woman find out if she is a virgin?

by  |  earlier

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Is there a type of thing she can use to see if she a virgin or not? plz recommend if there is anything.




  1. The truth! You cant handle the truth!

    Ask yourself Have I had s*x yet?

  2. dont think so

  3. If she's had s*x she's not a virgin. If she hasn't had s*x she is. She needs to look in her memory. Virginity is something a woman knowingly gives up. If a man drugs her a rapes her she is still a virgin. If he rapes her and she has s*x against her will she is still a virgin.

  4. I do not think so. I've heard that a gyn can tell if a women isn't a virgin 48 hours after she had s*x. Your hymen isn't a good indictor of virginity or not, as it can be broken in a number of ways. BTW: A girl who has s*x isnt a virgin. Why would she not be able to tell if she had s*x or not?

  5. I believe that this is something that would be within a woman's personal knowledge.  If she thinks that somebody drugged her and raped her, she could got to the police and depending upon how long ago it happened, a rape kit could be useful.  Notwithstanding, go to a gyno and ask her to check if your hymen is still in tact.  

  6. If her hymen's intact? ... though it may be possible to puncture, or rip it by rapid movements; or any other things whatsoever.

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