
How can a woman go through an entire pregnancy without knowing?

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okay so I watched this show on discovery health called Amazing Births. This woman who was in college was told by her doctor years before that should could not carry a pregnancy because she has an abnormal cervix. So apparently using this knowledge she had unprotected s*x and got pregnant. She said she didn't gain a pound and she kept getting her period so she never had a reason to suspect she was pregnant. She went into labor at night in her dorm room while in bed and just thought she was having severe menstrual cramps until the babies head started to crown and then did she realize she was pregnant and just had a baby!! What I don't understand is how a woman goes that long without know they are pregnant?!?!? Didn't she feel the baby moving? She had to of SEEN the baby moving right? I mean she was a little on the heavier side, but she wasn't HUGE. Please someone give me an answer to this.




  1. Ok im a male so i cant answer this question like a woman can as i will never know what it feels like to be pregnant , but you do hear of this where women give birth and say they didnt even know?

    Ive got a child and one on the way and i dont know how a somone could go through 9 months of pregnancy and not know!

  2. I think its extremely strange..... i was violently sick every day from 6 weeks to 16 weeks pregnant, and talk about kick boxing in my stomach!! lol, being kicked in the ribs everyday, feeling like your going to wet yourself, as you get so desperate for the loo, how can all that go unnoticed? i dont understand it!  

  3. I have been so sick during this pregnancy and I am only 13 weeks along, I don't know how someone could not know that they were pregnant. It is hard to believe that she kept getting her periods every month, I guess if that happened to me I wouldn't think I was pregnant. But gaining that much weight I would. You would suspect something.

  4. my best friend did not know she was pregnant until she reached six months.  she regular periods and only small weight gain.  She found out she was pregnant when she went to the doctors because she was concerned about a bloated stomach.  she had an ultrasound and low and behold there was a baby.

  5. the human mind is powerful. some people will absouletly convince themselves that they are not pregnant [even though they are] and the body wont let them know until its time to give birth. personally, i think thats crazy but its happened. and as the periods during pregnancy she probably wondered why it was lighter but of course she KNEW she wasnt pregnant so gave it no thought...crazy. She probably felt fetal movement, but thought it was just gas.

  6. the baby can grow behind the ribs, my mum did not know she was pregnant until  7 months and she could still fit into her jeans x

  7. I was watching Discovery health and they had a show called "I didn't know I was pregnant" about 4 or 5 ladies who did not know until they gave birth that they were pregnant. Most of them were overweight. Obesity affects fertility and whether or not you would feel something inside of you. You do not have to be "huge" to be considered clinically obese. Some women on that show did feel something and went to the doctor about it and was told it was just gas. One did not have periods for years prior to becoming pregnant so did not find it abnormal that she was not having periods. there are lots of reasons and many of these women made several trips to the doctors office trying to figure out what "was wrong" but the doctors were clueless or thought nothing of it....  

  8. Denial ain't just a river.

    I met a woman who didn't realize she was pregnant - with TWINS - until she was 7 months along.  She was overweight by about 50 lbs, but still I can't imagine not feeling and seeing the baby??  My theory is that people like that are just very distracted and out of touch with their bodies, to the point that they don't pay attention to anything.

  9. the power of the mind is a wonderful thing. most likely she put it down to butterflys and left it at that, basically she probably put all her symptoms in the something else pile and forgot about them.  

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