
How can a women with five children and one will down syndrome be an effective VP?

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What if something happens to the president (God forbids)? Can she do both effectively?




  1. One more child and she would be qualified th run the world.  How many children do you have?

  2. Her baby daddy lives with her.


  3. So much for staying home barefoot and pregnant being a republican ideal

    Why is it that the dems always accuse the republicans of being sexist and racist but whenever they put a woman or minority into a position of power the dems come out of the woodwork with petty insults and simplistic reasons for why that woman or minority is not fit for the job

  4. That's ridiculous.  The woman is married.

    That is very low.

  5. Answer Man:  I do not feel that is a sexist questions - if you were a female you just might get the question.. As a women with 5 boys and a husband by the way - whom we both have a job.  It is hard enough.  One of my children have autism & I have no desire to let daycare raise my child.  That is our job - a job I find very, very important to me.  I work - it is rough - but my job is not as demanding and as important as the VP of the USA and possibly the President.  I guess it comes down to what is more important to you?

  6. It sounds like the Democrats are looking for any excuse in the book to make the case against Sarah Palin. She can't hold the office because her children require attention?! I don't think that should be an authentic reason to be concerned.  

  7. I know this is hard for you libs to grasp..considering most of you have deadbeat dads.. She is MARRIED and the father helps with the children too.

  8. If she has 5 children she knows time management! I think she could do the job.

  9. the same way a mom of one or two dose

    with help

  10. Can you say childcare? With the Vice-Presidential salary she'll be able to hire someone in easily.

  11. How very sexist of you to ask.

    would you ask the same of a man in the same situation?


  12. She hasn't let it stop her from being an effective governor.  She was at work 3 days after giving birth


  13. THe whole thing is an absolute joke. McCain met her one time before nominating her. Good judgment?

    He voted with Bush in the last 8 years over 95% of the time. Good judgment?

    McCain voted against alternative energy 25 times in Congress. Good judgment?

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