
How can airplanes fly?

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How can airplanes fly?




  1. 1) The engine/s move the aircraft forward, creating air flow over the wings..

    2) The wings generate lift when air moves over them and lift the aircraft off the ground when sufficient lift is generated.

    3) The pilots manipulate the control surfaces to fly the aircraft and keep it under their control.

  2. large amounts of airspeed on top of the wing creates low pressure zone, and the force of the pressure from below the wing pushes up on the wing, allowing the plane to take flight, this is known as lift

  3. Funding. That's what makes your ships go up. I'll tell you something, and you guys too: No bucks, no Buck Rodgers.

  4. they get a whole bunch of birds, and tie ropes to the front of the fuselage.

    errr...what everybody else has said the other 100,000 times this has been asked in the past week

  5. Bernoulli's Principle

    the pressure of a fluid [liquid or gas] decreases as the speed of the fluid increases." Within the same fluid (air in the example of aircraft moving through air), high-speed flow is associated with low pressure, and low-speed flow is associated with high pressure.

  6. first, you need thrust to keep your plane moving forward.the engines of a large commercial aircraft produces large amount of thrust to move the aircraft forward.when the aircraft gains enough speed,i mean good enough to produce lift.lift is produced when the pressure on the wing's lower surface is greater than the upper surface,causing the wings to move upward along with the aircraft's body called fuselage.

  7. They just push the air down. Sir Isaac Newton takes care of the rest. (If you push down hard enough on your chair, you will fly too.)

  8. read the following

  9. A combination of thrust and lift..Yeah I know it weighs 50,000 lbs ...Strange right???

  10. with wings ;)

  11. they have really powerful engines and wings that make them go really fast and cross into the blue ;)

  12. they dont? you have a big imagination :)

    lol juss kidding i have no clueeee. google it?

  13. When jet engines push the aircraft forward, air flows around the upper and lower surfaces of the wing.  The upper surface of the wing is curved so the air has to travel farther to get to the trailing edge.  This forces the air to travel faster over the top of the wing creating a lower pressure on the upper surface (lift.)  This lift allows the plane to fly.

  14. when the aircraft moves forward, airfoil shape causes different air pressure above and below of the high pressured air under the wings will push the aircraft to the up.

  15. sometimes it is daunting looking at the size and weight of some aircraft but it's all about lift airspeed design etc.
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