
How can an 8 years old girl from USA can study in Romania?

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a little girl in the 3rd grade, we would want her to continue her year(the second semester) in Romania




  1. Find a school in the town where she is going to live (through Google or ask a Romanian friend), talk to the manager and see what are the requirements.

    Good luck!

  2. i don't understand why this girl should study in Romania.. yes.. it is possible but i don't see the point. I made more than 13 years of school in Romania and the system here is low.. very low !   and.. if you really want to mess up her future and to destroy her life.. and to make her want to suicide when she will be 20 and realise she can't do nothing good here... ok.. if you want that.. bring her here in Romania ! the country where everything's possible ! (even a state school will have teachers who will destroy any of your hopes)

  3. Why on earth would she want to do that? Does she not know how deplorable is the educational system in Romania? especially pre-university education??

  4. d**a mine ar trebui sa o muti d**a ce termina a 3 a ca asa va fi foarte greu

  5. Move to Romania and enroll her in school? If you want homeschooling (I know this is the homeschooling group, but many people put non-homeschooling things in here), then check for some brief information on the laws.

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