
How can an ambitious kid become an officer from scratch and have the military pay for it?

by Guest32240  |  earlier

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i hear there are programs where a teenager can go to college and have the military pay for it, and when they graduate they are an officer. i just can't find out about this stuff on the internet. Does anybody have knowledge concerning this sort of stuff?




  1. Military Academies


  2. ROTC

  3. I don't know

  4. It is through the ROTC (reserve officer training corps) normally high schools offer a program or class which should teach you all about the army and scholarships.  You can see what colleges offer this sort of program and apply for an ROTC scholarship but they can be difficult to obtain.  Recently two people from the graduating class of my high school got full rides to college through a air force ROTC scholarship. They do not have to do any time in the service but they must complete four years of ROTC during their time at college

  5. ROTC, or try to get into a military Academy.  West Point for the Army, Annapolis for Navy/Marine Corps, and the Air Force Academy... for the Air Force, of course.   It takes some great performance in high school and life... and letters of recommendation from congressmen, etc... to even get close to making those academies.  But if you make it, college is free and you are in line for an officer's commission upon graduation.  (although not all are offered commissions...)

  6. Try a recruit office or college campus, or call them they will be delighted to talk to you, in fact they will even come to your house.!!!  


  8. Read though these sites, taking notes as you read. Then go back and research for your answers.

  9. ROTC scholarships are fine but the best deal in the world are the service academies -- West Point, The Naval Academy and the Air Force Academy.  Do some research.  Appointment can be politicl or competitive or both.

  10. The only thing I know of is if you have a degree, it's possible to enter as a Specialist. I have no idea to which kind of degree. You should probably just go through the whole thing and earn your way to being an officer through hard work like all the other honorable men at that level. God bless you for wanting to join the military.

  11. you can cal the ilitary personnel flight at a base and ask its also ROTC can help you if you call them do you live near bases and if there is recruiter they can tell you yes you can go to schoola nd become in the military an office best way to do.

  12. There are a couple of ways. One way is to go to a military academy: West Point (Army), Annapolis (Navy & Marine Corps), Air Force Academy, Coast Guard Academy, or the Merchant Marine Academy.

    The other way (which you are probably thinking of) is an ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) scholarship. You can search for the ROTC scholarship for whichever service you are interested in and find what you are looking for. This scholarship will pay for college and you will graduate as a commissioned officer.

    Both options are very competitive, and take a lot of work just applying.

    Depending on what grade you are in, you should apply early. I am applying right now for USNA and for NROTC and I started pretty early.

    A good way to see what one of the academies is like is to go to their summer seminar. If you look at the Academy websites, you can probably find information about it.

    You can also talk to a recruiter in your area to give you more information. Just make sure you mention ROTC or an Academy. They want to enlist you, but you want to be an officer, so take control and make sure you get the right information.

    The military is definitely a great way for an ambitious kid to become successful. You might want to also check out the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M. It is an ROTC based group that acts more like they do at the academies.


    Naval Academy:

    Air Force Academy:

    Military Academy (West Point):

    Army ROTC:

    Navy ROTC:

    Air Force ROTC:

  13. it's an ROTC program.

  14. you can also go green to gold.  if you are in a bind now financially and dont get accepted at ROTC you can enlist..get your degree while enlisted and then go to OCS.  You would need to talk to a recruiter and possibly the education center to find out more.  

  15. ROTC is the program you're looking for.

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