
How can an egg float? or why would it float?

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How can an egg float? or why would it float?




  1. Eggs have air cells. They float on water when they get old because air enters the egg and the air cell becomes larger.

  2. rotton eggs has something to do with the gases and air bubble inside the egg...

  3. when you boil an egg it floats because the is a chemical change and it is more dense than it was to begin with.

  4. eggs sink

  5. An egg can float if it is expired ,if it is not it sink down to the bottom

  6. Floating in air  is an ancient and EASY magic trick :)

    Ok  when you wake up in the morning there's the wet thing on the grass well you know?

    Just gather it in a jar inject it in an egg.Believe it or not but when you place the egg under a lamp it will float because the thing whats on the grass isn't water it something else and it  dries up :D

    I did it and it works!!Very cool trick ( seal the hole you injected the liquid in)

    And in water. If it floats it means its rotten and not good for eating

  7. It's weight and buoyancy.

  8. Because, it if EGG's density becomes lesser than water's density, then it does.

  9. depends on how deep the water is if i put an egg in  a pot of water it would sik but the pool  i think it would float or ocean

  10. Because of how much it weights im guessing

  11. Its density is not far off water (assuming you want it to float in water) and eggs have a bit of air in them, so they could float. Additionally, you could add lots of salt to the water - things are more bouyant in salt water...

  12. same as the person above, to make a fresh egg float put 5 teaspoons or tableshpoos, can't reemebr per 1 cup of water. hope that helps

  13. The egg floats because it has some volume of air in it

  14. The egg will normally sink to the bottom of the glass with regular water. Add salt to the water (2 tbsp) and the egg will float. This is because of density. You have added salt to the water which make it denser and the egg floats.

    Here is a cut and paste off the website Zoom that explains it better than I can:

    There's nothing magical about density. Simply put, it is the mass of a substance or object relative to the amount of space it takes up.

    If two substances differ enough, their relative densities are easy to determine. For example, a piece of lead, which is a dense metal, feels much heavier than a piece of cork of about the same size. An analysis of the densities of the two objects would show that one cubic centimeter of lead, about the size of a small marble, has a mass of more than 11 grams, while one cubic centimeter of cork weighs about one-quarter of a gram.

    When materials have such different densities, it is easy to predict which will sink and which will float. But what about other substances? Is there a way to predict whether or not a substance will sink or float in water or any other fluid?

    Indeed there is. An object or substance will sink in a fluid if it weighs more than the fluid it displaces when fully submerged. In other words, if a one-cubic-centimeter object weighs more than one cubic centimeter of a fluid -- the amount it would push out of the way if submerged -- it will sink in that fluid. If it weighs less than the same amount of fluid, it will float.

    Unlike the densities of solids, which remain relatively constant, the densities of many fluids, in particular gases, can be changed. Heating a gas and allowing it to expand lowers its density. Cooling it or compressing it causes its density to increase.

    Dissolving a substance in a fluid also alters the fluid's density. When salt is dissolved in fresh water, for example, the density of the resulting saltwater solution is greater than that of the fresh water. An object that has a density only slightly higher than that of fresh water, such as an egg, will float in salt water if there is enough salt in the solution to make it denser than the egg.

  15. Never seen an egg float, but a duck i have

  16. Expired or rotten eggs float.

  17. If an egg floats when you go to boil it. It mean its gone bad/ gone off.

  18. You can make an egg float in salt water. Its because the density of the water will then be greater than the density of the egg.

  19. It is less dense than the water! Personally I like root-beer floats, but hey if you are into eggs go for it!

  20. A good fresh egg sinks a bad one floats thats old!...

  21. an egg would float if expired and spoilt

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