
How can an elite Kenyan runner/exchange student pay tuition?

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I coach at a Community College in Washington State. An elite 19 year old Kenyan distance runner wants to move to the area due to family ties, but they cannot support him financially. He has been accepted to the school has a host family and wants to run for the team. By rule I cannot help him with tuition. He has no job in Kenya and political unrest has prevented his family from paying his tuition. How/where can he find financial assistance so that he can move to the United States and run collegiately ... eventually moving onto a four year University and continuing his running to an even higher level. Guy runs a 14:30 5k. I'd like to give him some advice on how to find the $3000 per quarter that he needs to go to school. When he gets here he's limited to working 16 hours a week at an on-campus job so that's not going to pay all of his tuition and books through the year. I hate to tell this kid that he's not going to be able to go to college. Any advice on what to tell him?




  1. This is a good website on going to college in the USA for international students.  It talks about student Visa's and the minimum amount of money he and his family  has to have in the bank to even get a visa here.  It's not cheep and much more than the cost of his tuition you quoted.

    Or, maybe he could run really fast to get a job in Kenya and save money like the rest of the world. Don't get trapped working harder than the student looking for money, it will  drive you crazy.

    EDIT: you completely missed my tone.  I didn't mean he should run for money... I meant he should use his running ability to get himself (as quickly as possible) to the nearest job or town that has a job and work and save money.  If he wants it that bad, he will find a way.

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