
How can an illegal mexican move legally to Canada?

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I have been in the USA since I was 9. I was brought here illegally by my family.I am now 22. However I don't like being illegal I wanna be legal and it seems like it gonna be a long ride for me here If I ever wanna become Legal. I graduated Highs School here, and I'm not quite sure if i'd make it in Mexico, to be honest i have Kind of become Americanized. I would like to know if there is a possible way for me to move To Canada or If not Canada any other First world Country that would accept me. I speak English and Spanish Fluently.




  1. Other countries will almost never accept someone already in violation of foreign immigration laws.  It's a bad risk as you are likely to violate their immigration laws too.  

    How come in your other question you are 21 and came to the US illegally when you were 10?

  2. Day late and a dollar short. You had your chance at 18 to return to Mexico and begin process to return with documents. Now that you are an adult you can't do anything except go back to Mexico

  3. Bufer T Bubba...

    Ha ha ha...I thought that was genuinely funny. Now get back into the Kitchen and wash those pots or no cigarette break for you.

  4. Because you have remained in the US illegally as an adult, you are therefore responsible for your illegal status.  If you had returned to your own country before you turned 18 and remained there for a period of time, you could have applied for legal immigration to the US if you qualified and your parents' illegal acts would not have been held against you.  Now you have -- as an adult -- remained illegally and you are a deportable illegal alien.  Therefore you will be barred from re-entry.

    No country will accept you as a legal immigrant when you are an illegal alien in another country!  Your illegal acts make you ineligible for immigration or any kind of visa anywhere.  Visa applications ask if you have ever overstayed a visa, been deported, yada-yada -- if so, you are ineligible for the visa.  Lie and you are subject to imprisonment and/or deportation for perjury.  

    You have no choice but to return to your country of citizenship.  If you return immediately and voluntarily, you might get a shorter bar to re-entry than if you are deported.  You cannot legally work, go to college, etc.  If you commit more violations of the law, you get barred permanently.

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