
How can an persons physical and interpersonal ability effect communication?

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How can an persons physical and interpersonal ability effect communication?




  1. Try thinking about aphasia, Spasticity, Deafness blindness.

    And lastly extreme shyness.

  2. Though their level of pretentiousness: 7 out of 10, good.

  3. Someone has a physical disability. He cannot walk. He could be the cleverest person on earth, but no everyone knows that An able-bodied person comes along, sees that he is disabled, thinks that because he is how he is, that he cannot think properly, so speaks to the disabled man using his pusher as an advocate. This frustrates the man in a wheelchair, and thus communication is adversely affected. He may want to say something, but keeps being silenced,

    "Don't worry, you don't have to say anything, we'll say it for you"

    Similarly, a person with low interpersonal skills, maybe he/she is shy, may have something to contribute to a discussion, but is prevented from doing so because he/she is nervous at speaking out and interrupting the group discussion, so the information is not communicated. This can have imlications, say if that person is really not happy about something, they suffer in silence.

    We can all help by including such people in conversation and discussion, the quiet one in the corner, or sat in a wheelchair, may hold the answer we're all looking for, you may be rewarded with meaningful and interesting one on one conversation. Some people have the gift of the gob, most of us  take for granted the gift of full use of all our body parts. Spare a thought, spare a word or two, everything they've held up talking about cause they don't know how, or don't get listened to, could come spilling out.

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