
How can anger be controlled?

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I have so much anger towards someone that it's ruining my life. I cry, sabatoge my life and throw away opportunities because I am so full of rage. What can I do to make it go away?




  1. FORGIVENESS - whatever the situation is that made you feel this way towards the person, please learn to forgive them. It does NOT mean that you have to forget it, be friends with them anymore or even talk to them at all. Just between you and God, forgive them. It will set *YOU* free & will release all of the anger/hatred/aggressiveness/etc....

    You'll no longer be bound by the very existence of this person or the doom that you've been living in.

    Truthfully, it may not even bother the person that you are so full of anger towards them. You are only spending your days wrapped up in the darkness of rage. Pray consistently & each time you start getting angry at the person - even if you don't want to, just do it. GOD is bigger than this problem!  

  2. Take out your anger on something.. like trying taking up kickboxing or something physical where you can throw all your anger out on someone.. or try seeing like a shrink or someone who can guide to a good way to get rid of your anger..

  3. Seek a good councellor. Start practicing on being good to yourself. Accept yourself and your frustrations with compassion. Meaning slow things down and try to change the way you react in certain daily situations. When something comes up, it is good to write down how you feel. After a week review your issues and how they made you feel. Next, change the way you react next time the issue comes up. Eventually you will reprogram your brain to be cool.

  4. How do we control our anger? We cannot control how and when we get angry but we can control and choose what we want to do with our anger. If we know that we fly off the handle easily, there are ways that we can do to manage it.   Learn here how to control yr anger

  5. Seek counseling right away. There is help available for you. Call your local Mental Health Office and they can direct you. Get help now.

  6. U know where the knife is.

  7. cup- dont panic! All have their times like yours. Leave the bad place wherre your perpetrator is living and go away and live ina new place with a new job to do.

    Meet your old school mates and talk to them rather than to us here!!

    Dont u have a confident friend till now!?

    Meet a person elderly 56 yrs male i am a friend ofall,,i am far away..

    like me, who can set a riot of humour and i mean meet people of sense of humour if u have lost it.


    want to know how?  

    Just sit in a place coolly and breathe in and out and do nothing.

    Concentrate on breathing for 4 sec inhale and 8 sec exhale.nothing else. In 5 minutes your mind will cool down.

    Go for a walk in the morning 5am

    Dont lose sleep thinking of enemies.

    These things have happenedto me too,. but meditation helped me.

    go to my site (yoga, stress andpsychology pages) and read and get benefited.,

    after seeing mein my site, ifu feel talking to me will help u becasuse ifu have none to trust, talk to me...

    just over the phone i can i amconfident bring your home back to u


  8. I'll give a slightly different take to this question. We Buddhists, of course, believe in rebirth, which has been going on for thousands and thousands of years. So technically, any person could have been your mother, your father, your son/daughter, etc., in a previous life. Look at that person as if they were once your mother, fed you, nurtured you, took care of you and raised you up to the utmost of her ability.

    It's much harder to stay angry with someone when you take that viewpoint. While you're meditating, meditate on that idea. We all carry our karma with us, this person probably has more bad karma than you. But your anger is creating bad karma for you. Nothing can change the past. Forgive.

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