
How can animals sense bad weather..?

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How can animals sense bad weather..?




  1. Yes, many are sensitive to changing air pressure and their acute hearing lets them hear thunder long before you can.

  2. Instincts.

  3. Animals can sense things beyond human's 5 senses and they have ability to see spirits and also feel bad weather from along way.

  4. look here.

  5. Their arthritis flares up?

  6. They can sense a change in barometric pressure, while humans really don't notice.

  7. I have no idea...The cows where I live lay on the grass just before it rains...weird.

  8. Seeing as I sometimes can, I'd imagine animals notice the same sort of signs.  These can include the light changing from bright to kind of watery, an increase in wind and other subtleties I don't know how to put into words.  I quite often sense a thunder storm's on the way five or ten minutes before it arrives.

  9. because of their body structure and instincts

  10. They can feel/sence the climate pressure change.

  11. They watch the farmers long range forecast on BBC1 on Sunday mornings.

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