
How can any child starve to Death in Birmingham or anywhere else in?

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England without anyone noticing where were the school teachers aunts uncles friends. What is going on in Britain it makes me ashamed to be British when I read things like this

I am totally disgusted. England is not a country without Food? what are we going to do about this This is where immigration falls down (Parliament take notice)




  1. Amazing isn't it and of course, desperately sad that a child has starved to death in modern day Britain where food is in abundance.  You would have thought that even if the family didn't notice what was going on, a teacher might have noticed that the children were missing from school.  No one seems to care anymore about our children - and they wonder why they are all going off the rails?

  2. " Neglect"

  3. What has that got to do with royalty?

  4. yeah, makes you think, doesnt it, but they just totally did not look after these children, you would think that relatives etc would have noticed because the neighbours did

  5. Apprantly the children (there were 6 others in that house) were taken out of school to be home schooled. Its discusting I know, but it goes on in other countries too. Child abuse is rife in all countries, America, UK, Australia, all Asian countries, Africa, Europe.

    And the parents are not immigrants, they are British. So dont assume that an English person wouldnt do something so horrible, because let me assure you, the english do some nasty stuff too. (ian huntley, fred west...)

  6. because its no longer an English city  its  another foreign enclave they dont have the same rules as us just get our  benefits, as for Parliament they are just there for what they can get & most dont care

  7. The child's father and grandmother have been shouting that "heads will roll" Where were they when this child was starving to death?

  8. It's called child abuse and it also happens among British people. Would you be happier if that child died in another country?

  9. Question that should be asked is why do people have children they can't afford to feed and keep?

  10. all i can say is what the h**l is going on with social svcs in this country?

    look at James Hughes - the disabled boy who noone saw was missing and after 3 months was found dead in a suitcase.

    where were social services? why did noone ask? same as this birmingham girl. what is going on?

  11. why on earth didnt the childs teachers suspect? health visitor? doctor? my kids visit the docs at least every month for something or other! the news also stated that 5 siblings were also taken into hospital....

    surely with 6 children even on benefits these children should not be under nourished or staved to death! the parents are very obviously to blame for this disgusting event! bet you any money they ate like pigs while that poor child starved. social services are a joke even if they had been aware of it that child would of had to of died before they took any action. this country is a sham more and more cases of child neglect/murder/peadophilia are happening. peaedos and shoddy parents have more rights and kids have none its a disgrace.

    if the parents of that child go to prison they will be on easy street. 3 meals a day..... more than what that poor bairn got bless her.

  12. Yeah thats why Boris is trying all this new 'young people' stuff and introducing new policies that are going to raise the awareness of what children really get up to not just in london, but everywhere. What are we going to do if there is no generation to come after us?

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