
How can any civilized nation allow its athletes to participate in China's Olympics ?

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in light of it's appalling human right's record




  1. Free Taiwan Free Tibet Free DPRK

  2. I agree with you. The Monks are out of control and some of the athletes could get hurt.

  3. Some of them simply don't care...

  4. Why not?.

    Let the chineese people see real democracy,through the world's athletes.

  5. Its the same like voting twice for Bush and then whining about the disastrous  result.

    The decision to place the Olympics in China was made 16 years ago, when their human right record was even worse then today.

    You get what you wish for

  6. While your position is correct from a moral viewpoint, the politicians are not the ones who have trained for years for this event. President Carter would not allow our athletes to participate on his watch; what good did it do? How many people even remember that? If the Olympics were not cancelled after the murder of the athletes from Israel in Germany, they should never be boycotted!

  7. They should not!  

    Another thing, I learned from the Bloomberg Radio on the other day, the air quality in Beijing is really bad.  Countries that will let their top athletes to go there and compete in the Olympics in Beijing may want to think it over twice.  The pollution may kill their precious, nationally treasured athletes!

  8. We should all boycott the Olympics as well as boycott everything made in china. Maybe they will be on notice for violating human and animal rights.  Why are news reporters kicked out of Tibet?  So the chinese people can't see the atrocities of the chinese communist government.  China is not listening to the rest of the world and boycotting is the only way to get thru to them!

  9. it's all about the $$$$$$$$$

  10. Please remember: Every entity is always self-serving, but just with some difference in the intensity and content of individual spiritual and physical value, ability, and capacity in managing any events. In addition, any event will express itself as a process of full spectrum; where are we at the path of civilization?  Despite this vagueness, some values such as freedom of thinking, speaking, living, and self-determination have been contemporarily and universally adopted and respected by many, at least , on papers for political reasons. However, the bottom line of the issue is still what can be good for me despite sporadic announcement and support for these universal values. Also please remember: Generosity and kindness have never existed; they are merely the byproducts after personal spiritual and physical abundance and comfort. With this understanding, you may be angry but still barely able to sadly contain it as I do. It is very distressing, is it?

  11. like some one mentioned, its about the money. Plus sport and politics should never mix.

    Yes the world can use this as an opportunity to talk to China in a diplomatic way but it shouldn't be boycotted

  12. I think boycotting the games would be uncivilised. After all, the point in Olympics is to put aside all the fights and do sports.

  13. They will just pretend to not notice that they are standing in a sea of blood.

    China is big enough that they can get away with pretty much whatever they want to do.

    Who is going to stop them? The IOC? The EU? The UN?

    Gimme a break.

    China is what the United States was always accused of being....a gigantic uncaring superpower that makes a mess wherever it takes an interest in things...except that China really IS those things, and doesn't give a rat's ahss how you feel about it. You don't like how they do business? Too bad.

    Maybe we should just cut a deal with them for a Sino-American Co-Prosperity Sphere and be done with it.

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