
How can any person wear Chemistry Lab safety goggles if he or she is wearing regular eyeglasses??

by Guest66930  |  earlier

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is it possible to wear safety goggles on eyeglasses, no body can remove the regular eyeglasses and wear the safety goggles instead, or he or she will not be able to measure things right...

Can a person wearing eye glasses ignore wearing the safety goggles and just use the eye glasses as safety goggles???




  1. Before switching to contacts, I wore eyeglasses. Regular eyeglasses cannot take the place of safety goggles, which cover the entire eye area. With eyeglasses, there are many spaces and open areas through which a chemical could seep, causing much injuries. I always wore my goggles over my eyeglasses. Despite looking even dorkier, I experienced no discomfort or problems. If your glasses bother you so much, switch to contacts. But, never forget to wear goggles!

  2. generally eyeglasses are considered to be the equivalent of safety glasses. consider getting contacts, that would solve your problem entirely

  3. You can buy safety glasses that go over your glasses or that snap onto your glasses.

  4. I don't know.  This question is making my head hurt.

    Ask your teacher.

    They make safety goggle thingies that fit over regular glasses, but I don't know if you're allowed to wear those or if you have to buy them special or what.

    You know, I flat-out can't remember what students with glasses did in chem labs.  I guess I wasn't paying attention because I didn't wear glasses at the time...I don't know.

  5. I'm sure the lab glasses are big enough to fit over regular ones..  My chemistry teacher wore glasses and she wore the safety ones aswell.. Guess you can go without, but it's always better to be safe than sorry...

  6. Safety goggles are available to fit over eyeglasses. Regular eyeglasses do not provide side protection and may also lack adequate impact resistance so they do not function as safety glasses.

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