
How can any who scored 81 points in the nba be called overrated???

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if u call him a ballhog then look at his stats.... he leads his team in assists and hes not even a pg and with the triangle offense, its harder for him to get an assist...




  1. I never said Kobe is overrate but I did say that he's not Jordan's equal.  Kobe's 81 points was amazing.  It doesn't matter that it came against Toronto.  The biggest thing was that he brought his team from behind to win the game.  To me it was more impressive then even Chamberlin's 100.  I know I'm going to get knock on this.  But Chamberlin's 100 came as a result of his team already won the game by half time and they just fed him the ball to keep scoring to break the 100 mark.

  2. He's a ballhog because he likes to score more than he likes to win.  He got rid of Shaq so he could be the star and lead the league in scouring.  Ballhog!!

  3. u must be talking about Kobe if u are then i would say he is not overrated n plus he can pass all he want to it still dont mean the other players on the team will make the shot

  4. People who call him overrated are just jealous. People just come up with reasons to hate Kobe. People say they hate him cuz he was accused of rape but they just use that as an excuse cuz they hated him b4 that happened. People say that he doesn't average enough assists but the TRIANGLE offense doesn't let any one player get a lot of assists. And to get an assist yur teammates have to be able to finish the play . People also need to understand that when jordan played in the nba, a zone defense was illegal. So it was a lot harder for kobe to score 81 points and have to play against much harder defenses. Kobe is the best player in the World today!!!

  5. When he doesn't win Championships

  6. He's a stinkin ballhog, showboat, and criminal who has an ego bigger than Allen Iverson's mom's mouth.

    C'mon. The foundation of your argument here is that he scored 81 points once? This is why the NBA and it's fans are heathens and idiots. It's all about the performance of the individual, which results in a complete bastardization of one of the greatest team sports ever created.

  7. It was only one game, not even in the playoffs...btw Jordan had no problem getting assist in the triangle offense

  8. Some people say the guy is better than legends like Jordan, Bird, Magic, Wilt and he is not.

    That's how come he is overrated. Some of his fans are insane! How can you be the greatest when your a bad performer in the Finals? 4 out of the 5 Finals he's played in he has severely under performed.

    Kobe is one of the best of this generation, but not THEE best of all time.

  9. He became overrated once the fans claimed he was better than Magic, Bird and Jordan.

    81 points is a big thing, the 5 straight games of 50 points is another but other than those what other achievements can Kobe present other than his MVP? The three championships? Shaq is the DIESEL that fueled that championship run, Kobe was merely a pawn then, He can never claim any right of leadership to it except he was part of Shaq's wrecking crew...

    As for the assist issue I agree he would lead the team since he holds the ball 70% of the time. Derek Fisher became a spot-up shooter and seldom held the ball... No wonder Derek seldom turn the ball over. :D

    Hope this helps.

  10. Because he isnt Michael Jordan, but he is made out to be the second coming.  I dont think ANYONE says that Kobe isnt a great player, an All Star, and that he has enjoyed success.

    Look at your own argument.  Kobe is a 2 Guard and he leads the team in assists.  It wasnt unheard of for Jordan to lead the team in assists in a game, but for a season???  THAT proves Kobe is a ball hog.  The Triangle offense is all about getting movement and moving the ball around.  It isnt making it harder for him to get assists, it should make it easier.

    That kind of evidence proving that he is a ball hog, plus the fact that Shaq (who I dont care for) hates Kobe...that Phil Jackson (who I love) had big problems with Kobe, cmon man...Kobe is a great player, but he is an overrated "star athlete".

  11. Because some people think that he is the best player ever. He is not even the best player now. If you ask me, Lebron is better.

  12. It's not overrated.  One of the best scoring performances ever.

  13. he's a good player, people just think he's underrated because of some of the stories of bad things he's done or because they think he's a ball-hog

  14. X-factor knows NOTHING

    Kobe is the best ever

  15. He leads in assists only because the few times he doesn't shoot, he passes to someone with an easy shots.  The other players' assists to him all get divided among the rest of the players, so it will be a much lower number.

    The guy is NOT a team player, and b-ball is a team sport.

    He is a rapist and a poor sport and teammate.  He does not deserve a ring!

  16. because he is a ballhog...he always has the ball in his hands and can only put up like 4assists...



    oh ya and if you call him lebrick then how come he has a better shooting percentage more points, rebounds, and assists....?

  17. uhh jealousy... the lakers rule

  18. who the h**l  guarded him? I didnt even remember a name from the Raptors team......, Its much, much harder to score 63 to a Champion team like Boston with names like (Bird, McHale, Parish) than to the 2World Class Raptors.

    Besides a lot a points came from the free throw line, which is even less impresive, just remember than the Lakers needed  a great game from him  that year in the Playoffs he didnt shoot the ball in the fourth quarter......thats is either so stupid or so selfish, is up to you....

  19. He's a great scorer and that don't usually mean you are a great player,he's not a team player for sure.

  20. its alright buddy all the great ones always had their haters hence the page full of haters right here kobes performance was by far the greatest individual performance by anyone in any sport!! people say anyone that will get the ball as many times will make that many is ludicrous u have to have the strength to put up 40 plus shots in a game plus shooting 50 plus percent the way he did from all areas people that hate him are just dying for attention u have to give respect to where its due

  21. any one in the NBA whos a starter could score 81 if they didnt pass at all

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