
How can anybody support the ACLU?

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The founder of the ACLU, Roger Baldwin stated clearly…

My chief aversion is the system of greed, private profit, privilege and violence which makes up the control of the world today, and which has brought it to the tragic crisis of unprecedented hunger and unemployment…Therefore, I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself…I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”

...ummm, isn't that just a tiny bit freakin WHACK-O?! And to think that this nut job actually has little minions and followers that repeat this rhetoric...

Do you follow/support the ACLU..if yes, then PLEASE tell me why...




  1. The ACLU's charter is to protect the Bill of Rights and constitution, and after Bush has wiped his azz with it for the past 8 years, we need the aclu more than ever

  2. I can't support them. When you look at their record, their history of intervention, you will find out that the organization is trying to do exactly what the founder has advocated. I think the ACLU is the greatest threat to America today.

  3. Yeah I don't agree with the socialist view, but at least they're some of the few out there who care about the Bill of Rights.  

  4. yawn, the old ACLU was founded by a communist so it must be communist garbage is a bore. That's like saying Henry Ford was an anti semite, so his cars are still being built by anti semites.

    The ACLU aggressively protects civil liberties, even conservative evangelical churches getting blocked by discriminatory ordinances as well as Oliver North.  Bet your nutty website didn't tell you that. Looking at that site, it's a complete pack of ridiculous lies.

    Yes, I am in favor of protecting civil liberties, when you can tell me how stuff like the PATRIOT Act does that, let me know.

  5. I don't agree with their political philosophy (I abhor it), but I do admire them for sticking up to our Constitutional Rights of the 4th amendment regarding FISA and the Patriot Act.

  6. as a good little communist, we need the ACLU to tear down the fabric that has been woven together to make America what it is: freedom, democracy. We can't have a great country like America leading the world and being a guiding light to the downtrodden and impoverished. Freedom, capitalism and democracy and the American way are so out of date. We need to rule the masses and control them in despair and keep their spirit broken and their moral standards low. That's why we need the ACLU

  7. Roger Baldwin said, “I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself…I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”

    Baldwin was apparently addicted to drugs, which may explain why he advocated the legalization of all drugs.  His addiction is further suggested by his goal of having the State in “sole control of those who produce wealth.”  That is a contradiction that could only come from someone on a bad acid trip (maybe meth could produce a similar delusion).  History shows that people who are under the “control” of the State do not create wealth.  They may “produce” wealth by copying the ideas of those who create it, but a spade cat neither produces nor creates kittens.

    There seems to be a fundamental contradiction here.  How can the ACLU “protect the Constitution” when its goal is communism?  The Constitution is as compatible with communism as a fox is with a chicken.  Anyone who says he wants to “protect the Bill of Rights and the Constitution” and advocates communism as the means to do it is clearly WHACKO.   Fortunately, Baldwin is a deceased whacko.  Unfortunately, he spawned an entire clan of whackos who blindly follow his lead.

    The ACLU does occasionally take on cases that seem to protect the rights of evangelical churches and people such as Oliver North, but its advocacy in those cases shows all the enthusiasm of an atheist going to a baptism.  It is a sham.   Let’s not forget that the ACLU is partially responsible for another contradiction in our laws:  In many states, a school nurse cannot give an aspirin to a child with a toothache without parental consent; but the nurse can arrange for that child to have an abortion without the knowledge or consent of her parents.  Now, that’s freedom!

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