
How can anyone claim to love America...?

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if they hate half their fellow Americans?

I honestly care about our country, our children and their future. I feel that we need to unify as Americans--instead of remaining divided--in order to solve the crucial problems facing us.

I am dismayed by the amount of vitriol I see on this site from one American to the other simply because they support different parties or have different perspectives on things. It doesn't seem to me that calling each other names and being sarcastic will help us progress.

I think it is wrong to be sexist against Hillary, it is wrong to be ageist against McCain and it is wrong to be racist against Obama. If we want to have a great country, we need to be informed voters who research the issues and choose a candidate based on intelligent thinking. Our country will fail without an informed citizenry and a strong middle class. We can no longer afford to be more concerned about Anna Nicole Smith and Britney Spears than we are about who represents us in Congress or whether our planet will continue to exist.

As Dennis Kucinich said in his speech, "Wake up, America!"




  1. "I honestly care about our country, our children and their future."

    Wow, you are SUCH a super, super person!

    Now, you might want to think about coming down off of that pedestal you've placed yourself upon. (Ya luk kinduh loanley up thar! :-))

  2. I happen to love america.  as one who got to travel around the world while getting paid for it and getting to see first hand different kinds of people and how life is for them makes me happy to be an american.  what i tend to dislike is the government and how the politicians seem to change after they get elected and go get brain washed that they no longer have to have their constituents in mind when making new laws or just focus on their own agenda's.   Most americans never leave america so how can the rest of the world compare them to their own country.   it seems like the politicians want to control the way the rest of the world feels and behaves.   we need to ask why the world looks down on us?   our constitution sets up the priorities of the government agencies but yet we have congress persons and senators that think their powers include international deplomacy.   we have a state department that has the powers to deal with other countries not the speaker of the house nor the senate majoraty leader interfear.  our country will continue on a dead end street if the people do not take back control of their government elected officials.   these people work for the masses and need to be reminded of this everyday.    i have been  watching the democratic convention and have never heard one person say that the party needs to get back to serving the people only that the party needs to take back america.   we need a leader that will not care if he/she is reelected but that they do the job that needs to be done and not what the elitiests of america want done.   a leader that can put a lid on government spending  a leader that will reduce government   a leader that will repeal regulations against corporations that got fed up with government and moved offshore.   a leader that will get government out of the health care business instead of wanting the government to take it over giving us national health care.    voters that will not continue to vote for a politician that gets their district or state pork but takes care of the problems that occur  politicians that start running for reelection the minute they get to washington.   a leader that will keep a strong well trained military and will take care of the veterans that give their all for the country they love   mr  doodles

  3. Realistically - they can't. But in truth and fact - I don't think most people love America at all. I don't think they understand the concept.

    They are just parroting mindless, empty words.

    I'd give a pretty penny to have some of the people I've read on this site just sit down and seriously think about what it means to "love your country."

  4. I don't hate Democrats.  I love all my fellow Americans because at the end of the day I realize that we are all on the same team.  However I do enjoy the good natured banter in this forum from time to time.  I think we all just need to lighten up a little.

  5. WOW! That's the first sensible question I have read on this forum, I agree with you 100% all americans should search and find out who has taken over your government, who is pulling the strings and what is going on in the world, ie: what is the 'New World Order' all about, and why are they taking all our rights and liberties off us, there is such a lot to research before you vote in another 'Bush', like how many of them say anything about the Constitution/Bill of Rights? etc.  I wish you all good luck in the USof A, and only hope you can pick the right one.

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