
How can anyone defend McCain's choice of Palin as his VP knowing this:?

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Officials of the Alaskan Independence Party say that Palin was once so independent, she was once a member of their party, which since the 1970s has been pushing for a legal vote for Alaskans to decide whether or not residents of the 49th state can secede from the United States.

And while McCain's motto -- as seen in a new TV ad -- is "Country First," the AIP's motto is the exact opposite -- "Alaska First -- Alaska Always."




  1. Conservatives have spend an extraordinary amount of time detailing their conservative moral credentials for the purpose of winning votes. It's only fair to point out their hypocrisy.

  2. Didnt obamas wife say she was not proud of her country once, why does obama seem so ashamed of his white family. How his brother lives in a hut, although that may explain his blatant favortism towards africa and african americans. I personally think it will be funny if he gets elected just to see how far he tries to extend affirmative action. And also to see how hard he will fight to protect slum lords through out the united states. But never mind that you wanna focus on a vice president instead of the president mainly because the obama camp is starting to realize you can polish c**p all you want but its still just c**p.

  3. Wow.

    Didn't John McCain used to be a democrat? This must be his revenge on the republican party

  4. Interesting.  McCain has some embarrassing policy/opinion differences with Palin as well.  He slams the "Bridge to Nowhere" as the worst example of pork - she stated support for the project when running for governor.  He had to retreat from a statement that tied the Iraq war to oil - she has made similar statements on at least two occasions.  And, of course, he thinks foreign policy experience is everything - she has none.

    btw - some Republicans have been touting Palin's command of the Arizona National Guard as foreign policy creds.  A general in the guard clarified that when it is on a national security mission neither he or Palin is in control, the feds are.

  5. With more confidence than I had in Obama for having "friends and pastors" such as he has. Obama's past is not lilly let us not pass judgment, lest you be judged.

  6. Is this accurate? If so, it seems that palin will go down in history as the quirkiest choice ever made.

  7. I can't defend his choice it was stupid - but it does show just how out of touch McSame really sad!

  8. I sometimes wish the Republican's could secede from the Democrats myself.  Then we wouldn't have to support the lazy who don't want to work.

  9. Because none of this has anything to do with her skills as an administrator -- which are considerable.

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