
How can anyone discover Buddha if there are no monks going door to door

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How can anyone discover Buddha if there are no monks going door to door




  1. The understanding he preached, and the understanding of enlightenment is universally accessible. We just need to know how to listen. That is the trick. In today's busy world, lay people are the sangha and the most compassionate of them are the SGI members.

  2. these days budha monks do not go door to door. it was in very olden period. these days tv,radio,books vedio etc. are spreading information around the world.

  3. It's not about the inculcation of belief but rather the discovery of one's own nature.  It's not about the worship of a historical person but rather the discovery of one's own "Buddha nature".

  4. There may not be monks going door to door, but there is suffering ouside and inside your door and yourself day to day.

  5. Buddhism does not depend on evangelism.  One of their philosophies is you cannot seek out a horse and force it to the water.  If the horse is thirsty, it will seek the water on its own.  

    I have always had a problem with Bible thumpers in my own life.  I am not interested in what they are saying and see no reason to give them my time.  My relationship with God is quite comfortable and quite personal.  I don't see why I should be forced to acknowledge things I don't believe for the comfort of others.  

    You could say I follow the Buddhist philosophy.  I'm not thirsty and all the pounding on my door will achieve nothing.

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