
How can anyone hate the Twilight series?

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Seriously, I don't get how anyone could. So I want to know. Please explain it to me.




  1. Right, I'm just going to make a list. Twilight (and only Twilight. BD etc. do not count) is one of my favourite books, but I can think of reasons)

    - Edward Cullen is too perfect and WAY TOO POSSESSIVE! (Seriously people, he's fictional)

    - Bella Swan, can be incredibly idiotic. Oh, I forgot to mention that she's too whiny.

    - For some, i.e. me, it is way too happy. I really wouldn't mind a cliffhanger or two.

    - The plot is too typical. ie. Normal girl falls in love with hot guy and they live happily ever after. the end.

    - Okay, so now I'm going to contradict myself. The plot in BD was too twisted. I mean WAY TOO TWISTED. I understand she wants a massive plot, but getting Bella pregnant? It sounds like she's been reading too much fanfiction or something...Also the end with the Volturi was unnecessary. We all knew there was going to be a happy ending from a mile away.

    - Jacob is constantly getting thrown around. (No seriously, will Bella ever stop giving leading him on unintendly?)

    - Renesmee Cullen. Some like me, just wish she didn't exist.

    - The characters have all suffered personality changes. Let's use Bella as an example. Shy and timid in Twilight...and all of a sudden we see her begging for s*x in BD?  

  2. The only reason I can think of is that they haven't read it.It really is the perfect series, it has love, hatred, happiness, unhappiness, violence, Edward Cullen, and fantasy that feels like reality.

  3. I personally don't like them that much because I am not into the whole "OMG I love you so much my life can not possibly go on without you" aspect of the whole thing. I am far too into independence to think that my life would end without someone else in it. Romantic love is a wonderful thing, but it is not oxygen.  

  4. The hype?

  5. Well i liked them until it became such a big deal. there are so many people who come and visit forks now and its not even real. whatshisface's store doesnt even exist. there are no freeways. i have never heard of someone mugged in PA. The school is nothing like that.  

  6. Personally, I love the series.

    Some people don't like it because they think Bella is too much of a "damsel in distress." I've also met people who don't like it because Edward is "too perfect."

  7. Glittering vampires and a Mary Sue like character. I love vampire books but geez it is a horrible, dull book.

  8. Because my personality has been perfectly crafted so that every aspect of the books repulses me. I'll give you a run down:

    I am a(n)...  // therefore...

    English major // I tend to pick apart plot/character/theme/motivation /emotional impact/etc. and not a single aspect of this series gives me any reason to waste the money buying it, or even the time to illegally download it. The things I like are The Great Gatsby, 1984, Frankenstein - you know, things that have more point than tween fantasy material. Beautiful books that capture aspects of human nature that really matter - death, meaning of life, freedom, human relationships on a less superficial level, definition of humanity.

    Horror enthusiast // I cannot stomach vampires that are not evil and ugly. Try 30 Days of Night or the classic Nosferatu. I blame Anne Rice for this frilly vampire trend.

    Feminist // I don't believe that women should ever, ever, ever define themselves by their significant other. Relying on a man is the sign of a weak person and the young girls that read this need to realize that Edward is controlling and borderline emotionally-abusive (telling Bella he knows what is best for her, telling her who to be friends with and who not to, as well as other controlling things is NOT the sign of a caring boyfriend, but the sign of an insecure person that needs to exert power over others).

    Moderator of a fanfiction site // I recognize so many fanfiction cliches coming from this book that it's scary it even found a publisher. This is something I would cringe at if I were to see it at the site I work on, and would probably assume a 13 year old girl was writing it.

    Add, lastly, I'm so incredibly sick of hearing about it.

    So there's your rundown. Nothing personal to anyone that reads it, just to Stephanie Meyer.

  9. ~ no serious plot (like the James thing and Victoria thing (like really!))

    ~ too romantic for some

    ~ unrealistic

    ~ different preference, POV about how things should be in a book

    ~ hate the writing style

    ~ hate romance books

    ~ like something else instead

    ~ don't want to believe something that can't be true

    ~ "Hello! It's a DREAM" is what they might say (fantasizing about Edward . . .)

    ~ doesn't capture the minds of many of the both genders

    ~ boys might hate it

    ~ girls who don't want to spend time in false concepts might hate it

    ~ some people know that having your own "Edward" is impossible

    ~ Life isn't perfect! (perfect boyfriend/girlfriend)

    ~ Some people actually like books in which they can have atleast one chapter of "I LOVE YOU"

  10. Because I hate it. I just don't enjoy it, I like the Chronicles of Narnia. That's like me asking, how could anyone hate Narnia. Everyone has different preferences. Twilight just isn't one of mine.

  11. Because it's illogical and immoral.

    I liked the first three books but Breaking Dawn just ruined the whole series for me. I bet a bunch of ex-Twilighters feel the same way as me. Breaking Dawn just screwed up. It ruined the WHOLE series. Read it.  

  12. It's easy. Try reading them with an objective viewpoint.


  13. Personal preference. I hate it. It's poorly written, the characters are completely flat, and what there is of characters, sucks. Bella is a spineless twit, and Edward is a manipulative creep.

    There is relatively no plot, and 95% of the book is telling us how beautiful Edward is. That's it.

    It's actually quite easy to hate

  14. Not everybody has to like your precious series. It's all about preference

  15. its not that i hate the series its that i HATE the fans

    and how people are in love with that edward dude

    thats hella creepy how are you in love with a FICTIONAL charactor?

  16. There are no morals, the characters are dull, and the writing is mediocre. It's a shame that it's considered good literature.

  17. because it's poorly written.

  18. Because people are ACTUALLY allowed to like whatever they want.


  19. Because the "perfect" character isn't really perfect and the narration is mediocre and it's really hard to believe.

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