
How can anyone not believe in global warming, when it is supported by most scientists? (proof in details)?

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Every major scientific organization supports global warming science. The wiki cite is simply a collection of easily verifiable facts, not someone's opinion, so the usual criticism of wiki doesn't apply.

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS), the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

The NAS, in particular, is the closest thing the US has to a Supreme Court of science.

A survey was made in 2004 of all the papers published in the ten previous years which used the phrase "climate change" in the abstract. 900+ of them. The number that said global warming was a natural process was zero.

If the Nobel Prize had been given to a small group of scientists who disagreed with the majority, you'd know.




  1. Scientist Implicates Worms in Global Warming

      Jim Frederickson, the research director at the Composting Association has called for data on worms and composting to be re-examined after a German study found that worms produce greenhouse gases 290 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

    Worms are being used commercially to compost organic material and is in preference to putting it into the landfill. The German government wants 45% of all waste to be composted by 2015.

    "Everybody... thinks they can do no harm but they contribute to global warming. People are looking into alternative waste treatments but we have to make sure that we are not jumping from the frying pan into the fire," said Frederickson.

  2. because 150 extra ppm of co2 hasn't made anything on earth change.  You can claim it is what is melting glaciers, but then you have to answer the question of what melted the glaciers in the past.

    As long as there is still question, and discrepancies, then it isn't proven.  Im not really concerned with how many scientific communities acknowledge its presence.  Do all those scientific communities claim that 6 billion people are going to die from it?  No, they dont.

    I dont disagree with them as long as they dont spread alarm.  Honestly, a 1 degree difference in yearly average temperature will be unnoticable to virtually everyone.  If there was no one to report the "problem", not a single person would even know about it.

  3. Yeah it's like finding out you're allergic to peanuts but saying "No I'm not.  I don't believe in allergies"....oooooookk!

  4. Because scientists are only in it for the money and perpetrating a massive hoax and global warming deniers who have virtually no understanding of any aspect of any scientific field are smarter than climate scientists with PhDs and years of research on the subject!

    Or maybe some people are just in denial.  That sounds more plausible to me.

  5. Well, read the book "The Politically Incorrect Guide To Global Warming".

    Then you might change your mind.

    I was with global warming for a while, until I read this book that had scientific evidence on how global warming isn't true.

    Read the book, and form your own opinion.

    I still believe in some of the stuff that go along with global warming, but not all of it.

    I am a hippy at heart<3.

  6. I think they may not understand the science, they may ignore the science, or they could just deny it to be deceptive.

  7. well, some people are stupid enough to think that global warming doesn't exist. they re living in denial, don't want to except the truth.

  8. Because the issue is as complicated as it is, it is easy to distort.  And as if that isn't enough, there isn't a lot of information about global warming aimed at the general public that reassures those who don't know much about the various disciplines that collectively constitute consensus on climate change.  

    If all we had to do to stop warming was to stop eating broccoli, there would be no denial of reality.  Unfortunately, the general public is left to assume the worst by political personalities who understand the issues no better than their audience, but don't hesitate to spin it.


  10. I once worked with an older guy who was just a master, a great guy who helped everyone he met and was liked by everyone who knew him.  One day, in a sort of exasperated adolescent way, I asked him "what rational person would think that?"  His reply?  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœWhat makes you think people are rational!”

  11. Almost all scientific groups believed in the science of eugenics.  The Rockefeller's underwrote much of the research as did other wealthy families.  Eugenics was adopted and put into practice by several governments, even when there was no objective proof.

    After all, if you can breed traits in horses, then it should be possible to breed traits in men as well.

    Scientist like William Shockley embraced the idea.  Books like "The Bell Curve" are still being written supporting the idea.

    In the end, they are wrong.  There is no objective data to support their conventional wisdom.

    Eugenics is very much like the "science" of global warming.  It makes sense, it's conventional wisdom, but there is no objective proof.  You still have no clue if it will be warmer 5 years from now or colder.  Anything you say is just your belief, your guess.

  12. There has been a pattern ever since the earth started. We are about to go into a ice age. Global Warming is just a scam to make us pay the government somehow.

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