
How can anyone respect India if some of their users is constantly abusing other countries ?

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I also know that some users from other countries do the same.But we are followers of gandhi and doing the same as they do is only entertaining them.They are making fun of us as how idiots we are losing patience at comments of some irrevalent users.




  1. i agree with u

  2. Some Indians write bad English, they are not very knowledgeable about cricket, some of them are even total stupid, but Indian population is close to one billion. My question is how many Indians participate in this section? about 50? And all of them are not bad either. Right? To judge en entire nation based on such a insignificant number of people is unfair. The best thing we can do is to ignore those idiots and not encourage them by any means. Lets talk cricket and forget the rest.

  3. I think all Indians are let down because of a few of them are ill-bred. Users from other countries know how to exasperate a few Indian users, which is giving a wrong outlook about India to the outside world. They acquire nothing but ill-will.

  4. I think we get a skewed view of Indian supporters in this section. I personally have many Indian friends/colleagues who are cricket lovers that amongst the fairest, intelligent in the world of cricketing supporters.

    It is easy to make stupid accusations, make racist remarks and annoy others when hiding behind the anonymity of keyboard.  

  5. There are some in India.Even other countries have their own share of such people.But the number of Indian users being more it looks more conspicuous.

    Even yesterday I had reported an Indian user for some offensive question after giving a fitting reply and indicating my  intention to report him.Being an Indian i feel it is my duty.

    Though he said that it was by way of returning someone in their own coin.but why should we demean a country or their players for the foolishness of some users.

    Always give a fitting reply then and there and report when it is abusive or   offensive.

    We can tolerate criticism but not abuse.

  6. entropy of world is increasing ~ this world will collapse once it stretches to the extents!

    the people who have to gloat or do racism will find a way to do it ~

    pointing fingers on a community of users is not advisable, it implies that your mindset is blocked !

    you only accept what you want to accept!

    please review the Qs posted yesterday by Sri lankans, you will realise that you are biased!

    we have a fundamental right to defend ourselves ~don't we?

    sometimes you have to use venom to neutralise venom ~

    hope it helps!

    god bless!

  7. I respect most Indian users, but the one or ones I don't like are the person/people pretending to be OZ who post nasty hateful racist things. I think we have all figure out who it is, but it makes no difference, the idiot/s keep doing it.On the other hand, there are offenders from all countries & I don't know why they bother.  

  8. I have no admiration or respect for indian fans from india, they dont have a clue most of them. Its like there in cooke land.

    Indian fans are deluded idiots in general, they chat constant smelly s**+*, and are sad misfits and hypocrites, in which they burn there own players houses and efigees, which is quite funny.

    In truth, i fell embarassed for them.

  9. Some Indian users are really bad - I know that - but most of us are actually quite unbiased and great lovers of cricket. Saying this, Indians are not the only ones that are bad, but Indians get picked on and get scrutinized much more!

  10. i agree with u whole heartedly. The indian team is great and stuff and even the players r good but sum users here take their anger after the indian team loses on other teams and constantly abusing the country.

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