
How can anyone say Gov. Palin is inexperienced, and Obama is SOO experienced!?

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Governor Palin has had much more executive experience than Obama. Obama only had 120 days of executive experience before running for President. Governor Palin has had much more, but is also far more experienced because being a state governor makes you more experienced than being a state senator (which Mike Huckabee explains here: If you don't want to watch the video, he basically explains that Senators really only go to meetings and discuss things, and Governors, the head of a STATE, literally make decisions every few minutes. You therefore get more experience being a governor versus a senator. And really, Obama was a nobody before he became a junior senator in 2005! Gov. Palin has been working in the government since 1996.




  1. I don't think you quite get it.

    By picking Palin, McCain has brilliantly succeeded in completely neutralizing his one genuinely strong argument -that Obama was inexperienced. Now, that argument is moot.

    Moreover, McCain has insulted Hillary voters by suggesting that they will blindly vote for a woman, any woman, rather than making their decision based on the issues.

    And, there is one other really important difference between Palin and Obama. Palin is under investigation for abuse of power and Obama is not.

    McCain has shot himself in the foot and you know it.

  2. I don't think that being a Gov. gives you presidential experience.  Not to say that experience is sooo important.   I am more concerned with the fact that McCain has preached Obama's lack of experience and then picks a running mate with only experience as Gov. (which does not do much federally, let alone, globally).  He obviously understands that experience does not make a president.  

    Also, NO, being a Gov. does not compare with being a Senator.  Gov.'s listen to senators because they make the major decisions (especially an Alaskan Gov.)They don't make decision on their own unless it is a  small state decision (not many in Alaska).  No offense but you need to so a little more research!

    Also when you say she has been in in since 1996, you are talking about county boards that I have been apart of since 2002 and I am only 27.

  3. They say it because they are not familiar with her background. She actually has more experience than Obama. And it's funny to hear Obama supporters argue experience, because they are just making an argument against their candidate of choice without knowing it.  

  4. Yeah, I'd like to know why too. They are stupid Liberals, thats all I know. If Obama hadn't been too pre-occupied with his campain, I'd say maybe he'd have more experience. But really, how many days did he actually furfill his job as Senator? NOT MANY! He's failed as Senator of Illinois. Palin has done much more for Alaska alone, then Obama will ever do for this country.

  5. Palin admits she doesn't even know what a VP does.  SEE/HEAR HER IN HER OWN WORDS:

    (her V.P. comments are toward the end of the video)

    ...and she's under investigation for corruption like her mentor Ted Stevens whose endorsement she scrubbed from her website just this morning.

    ...and she called Hillary a "whiner."

  6. Here is why Obama is better and more experienced than Palin. He is a law professor as well as Senator, she is a baby factory and Governor of Alaska(which a Polar Bear could do)

  7. Given that Governors can appoint Senators if a sitting Senator can not finish his or her term, a Governor out ranks a Senator.

    Palin has more experience.  

  8. What experience is that really? She was a mayor of a small town in Alaska for 2 years. The small town of Takoma Park Maryland probably has more issues in a week then Wasilla had in a year. She was also Mayor of that same town. (Population: 5,500)

    There are more people walking through the halls of the Capitol Hill Complex in Washington D.C. then there are in that small town.

    Obama has been or more committees and or taught more people in law school then Palin has probably ever met as Mayor. She has NEVER been out of the country. Obama, even as a state senator has traveled on official duty overseas meeting with foreign officials.

    Obama has a doctorate in Law. Taught for 12 years, Had numerous jobs in political fields. President of the Harvard Law review. Palin has a B.A. in Journalism.  

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