
How can anyone say that Rugby Union is more exciting than League?

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After this weekends games, England v Samoa and Bradford v Wigan, anyone who saw both must agree that league is by far superior. The open, attacking, fast, athletic league version v the never get going, kick to death, pile on union rubbish.




  1. I play both but to watch Union it is more free-flowig and more skill involved, saying that nothing beats league when you simply get to charge into a guy. Like in all sports there is always going to be some boring matches to watch, the world cup this year hasnt produced some classic matches yet except for maybe Argentina and France, and South Africa and Tonga at the weekend.

    The styles vary a lot between the two games, I prefer playing league but think that union can be more interesting to watch.

    Its a matter of opinion, Ive seen some great league matches and some great union games, but I can also say ive seen some dead boring matches in each too

  2. Rugby League is a simplistic version of rugby which is where the "excitement" comes into play.  It is simply charge at your opponent 5 times then kick.  It is the superior fitness and strength that wins games rather than talent.

    Rugby Union is a much more tactical game which is either viewed as more boring by those not interested in tactics or more exciting by those who take more of an interest in the game than simply who is going to miss the most tackles.

  3. Dislike both intensely... but both are better than  American football.

  4. i dont particularly care for rugby league or union, but saying that i  do find rugby league more interesting and better to watch.

  5. Was Mark Calderwood just charging into players on Friday at Odsal, no, 3 great tries, one length of the field effort.

    Yawnion would simply have kicked for 'position'??

    Zilch entertainment in Yawnion, kick, kick and more kicks!!!

  6. ive played both codes in New Zealand.Rugby has only really taken off in the last 12yrs as a great spectacle to watch thats when it became professional here.But league has always impressed and as a spectator sport you cn't match it.Its the ultimate working class game,i should know i played it for 8 yrs and rugby for 10yrs.All kids from 5yrs-9yrs should start with league because it teaches you how to tackle properly where in rugby you dnt tackle full on till 9yrs and up.if you watch league downunder,it his harder and twice as fast as the european league. Its the comparison of  what southern hemisphere rugby to Northern hemisphere ,Sth Hemisphere wins hands down.If you dnt belive me just watch the N.RL. and you will be on the edge of your seat

  7. Rugby is a game for fat blokes who cant play football

  8. Rugby league is definitely much more exciting than league. Although i'm a fan of both i prefer to play leauge because who wants to watch constants breaks in play as guys pack scrimmages, rucksk, mauls and other boring push and shove tactics. In rugby its sheer speed, fitness, and skill thats important not the size of your forwards, althought that helps :)

    If anyone's interested check out the qualifying previews of the Storms v Eels and Eagles v Cowboys at

  9. I don't, I just say

    Rugby is s**t!!!!!!

    It's just a load of butch g*y men who want to hug and touch each other

  10. Each to his own!

    I don't mind watching league, but find it boring compared to Union.

    In league there is no contested scrum, no mauls and find the rucks get the adrenaline going when there could be a turnover ball!

    In my opinion, union is far more entertaining and exiting and more tactical than league, which is similar to the under 8's union game........touch rugby!

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