
How can autistic people perform certain tasks better than able minded people?

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How can autistic people perform certain tasks better than able minded people?




  1. An autistic person who is extremely gifted in a certain area is known as an autistic savant. No one really understands how these people are so gifted while lacking in other areas (such as social skills). I watched a programme on Channel 5 about twins who were autistic savants and they had amazing memories.

    And of course Rain Man is an excellent film :)

  2. Just as any person can perform certain tasks better than others. I can't paint a portrait to save my life.  I can only speak English, I am an excellent cook.  Everyone has things that they are good at.

    My daughter, for instance, has communication issues, social issues, restricted/repetitive issues, but she is bright. At age 3-1/2 she was beating the game Freecell on the computer within 5 minutes.  Seriously, the psychologist came over, video taped it and was blown away.  She has an amazing ability to see patterns and plan ahead.  Sometimes she would get frustrated and scream, I thought she needed help with the game. As I "helped" her, the screaming would intensify.  She already knew that she couldn't win the game, but it took me 10 moves and lots of thought before I came to that conclusion. She already knew and was upset by it.

  3. Vb tutorials-

  4. I have taught a few students with Asperger's Syndrome, a high-functioning form of autism. They are very bright but lack social skills and may have other disabilities such as OCD. I would classify them as able-minded. They are exceptionally strong in certain areas but these strengths seem to be offset by weaknesses in other areas. If people were a little more understanding of their condition they could make even greater contributions to society.

  5. Simply because they are individuals...'autistic people' are still human and so have the same ability to be differnet/individual with different strengths and weakness....and being autistic doesnt make you non-able minded its just a differnet view of the world in some respects.

    However SOME autistic individuals who have a great focus and love of a certain lesson, subject etc will use their fasination to study it and learn everything they can. They may remember and recall things that other may not. Same as anyone else with an interest really!

  6. yes, some are amazingly smart and artistic!

  7. The reason some autistic people are gifted in certain ways is usually to do with the way they think and rationalise things. It does tend to be the higher functioning end of the autistic spectrum and those with Asperger syndrome. People with an ASD tend to focus on one thing at a time and are usually unable to multi task, so when they find something that interests them or that they are good at they tend to put all their attentions and energies into this one thing. Many of the things they are good at become so interesting to them that they can develop into obsessions. My own daughter, who has Asperger syndrome, is good at math. She does math for fun and would much rather stay inside solving problems than go out and play with other kids. She is happiest doing her math as it is an exact science for example 2+2 is always going to equal 4 and there are no variations and that makes her feel safe. The answer to your question would be that autistic people tend to be very single minded and no easily distracted from something they enjoy no matter how odd it would appear to us.

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