
How can be explained that God was being JUST when he killed all the first born of Egypt?

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i think these kids were innocent, but well, they say they were sinners... right

i really can't explain it.. can you?

but really, can you?

i mean, can you?

no responses about other topics please...can you?

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  1. Pharoah brought the plague upon Egypt himself.

    He presented himself to God as his equal or better. Pharoah threw down the gauntlet and God responded.

    None of what befell Egypt would have happened had Pharoah just let His people go..

  2. I think God at that time was the Pharaoh, No?

  3. It was not just. That is why when Jews celebrate our deliverance from slavery in Egypt, we always pause to remember the innocent dead, also G-d's children, among the Egyptians.  

  4. How can you justify the king of eygpt killing all the son's of israel??? The eygptians just lost their first born children, not all their son's.  

  5. Well, he warned them, and they wouldn't listen.

    Seems fair, right?

  6. During the early bronze age it was acceptable to kill the entire family of your enemies, except for the hot women who were raped (unless they were already pregnant in which case they were killed too).

  7. It was punishment handed down to the people of Egypt due to the unjust holding of his people, by their pharoah. Unfortunately one of the punishments was the loss of every first born son, that didn't heed the Lord's advice of crossing their doors with lamb's blood. One thing as to the innocence of those children who died. We are all born into sin right from conception, the second Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden sin has been upon the entire human race. Which only has one way to be washed away but that's another topic.

  8. Simple.  You insist that anyone killed by God must have deserved it because God is all-knowing.  

    You can justify any atrocity with that reasoning.

  9. Most people simply do not understand what justice really means....

    God's actions, according to the Bible, does not even remotely resemble justice...

  10. Yes I can . Or rather God has already explained it in his Word.  The Egyptians had been killing all Israeli boys in an attempt of genocide to slow the population growth of Israel. God responded in kind, by killing their firstborn. He gave Pharaoh plenty of chance to repent and let Israel go and ample warning  by the nine previous judgments . God in no way killed any innocent people .  You think they were innocent , but God knows they were not. Since God can see the future he knows who will be righteous and who won't. God would never kill an innocent. One thing we can be sure of . God will always do the right thing. Just because  we can not understand it , does not make it evil.  God is righteous and just and never changes . Thank you LORD!

  11. It cannot be explained.

    It proceeds thus:

    1 - God is just.

    2 - It is not just to kill an innocent child.

    3 - Therefore, God will not kill an innocent child.

    Believers might go so far as to claim it can be just to kill innocent children. If it gets to that, forget it, give up and seek out another religion, or consider quitting religion altogether.

  12. Pharaoh was the one that disobeyed God. If you believe in this story then you believe in God. At the very least, those babies God took from Egypt went to heaven.

    Besides, more babies are killed through partial birth abortions every year than babies that would have been killed in Egypt.

  13. Egypt was Israel's enemy at that time. All first born sons are supposed to take over their father's role if in case they grow old  enough and their fathers are either to old to fight or already dead. Israel will never had a chance to build its own nation if those children grow to continue making war with them.All first born will naturally carry in their mind to avenge the death of their father or reclaim what they thought was taken away from them by Israel. They were innocent all right but you can see from what is happening in the world and you may consider why so many nations surrounding Israel hate them and would really want them totally erased on the face of the earth. even up to these generation.

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